Enforce windows file dialog('open' and 'save as') with showing a popup-menu from your filelist.txt
dialis is a popup menu based file path copy tool.
- 1: Push ScrollLock key in a file dialog.
- 📝 Of course, the key you use can be changed.
- 2: A poup menu is opend, so select one what you open.
- 3: Copypasted with your selection.
- AutoHotkey Version 1.1.30+
At first, get.
$ git clone https://github.com/stakiran/dialis
If needed, build and get an dialis.exe.
$ git clone https://github.com/stakiran/dialis
$ cd dialis
$ copy build.ahk.sample build.ahk
$ (Edit build.ahk based on your environment)
$ build.ahk
Secondly, set an commandline to call the dialis from your ahk script. For example...
Example1: Use an exe file and ScrollLock key.
#If WinActive("ahk_class #32770")
ScrollLock::run, D:\bin\dialis\dialis.exe
Example2: Use an script and ScrollLock key.
#If WinActive("ahk_class #32770")
ScrollLock::run, D:\bin\dialis\dialis.ahk
Open a file dialog, and push your hotkey.
But it is recommended to push on the file name input-box.