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💬 Remove version indicator, which could be redundant #71

💬 Remove version indicator, which could be redundant

💬 Remove version indicator, which could be redundant #71

GitHub Actions / Test Results succeeded Apr 9, 2024 in 0s

All 0 tests pass, 657 skipped in 3s

  1 files  ±0  91 suites  ±0   3s ⏱️ -1s
657 tests ±0   0 ✅  - 33  657 💤 +33  0 ❌ ±0 
663 runs  ±0   0 ✅  - 34  663 💤 +34  0 ❌ ±0 

Results for commit 6e1d494. ± Comparison against earlier commit e8ea76e.


Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

657 skipped tests found (test 1 to 349)

There are 657 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the list of skipped tests 1 to 349.
Raw output
Add-CapturesToMatches.Add to regex selection.Value '<Text>' should add '<Name>' and '<Email>'("[email protected]","Arthur Dent [email protected]","Arthur Dent")
Add-CapturesToMatches.Add to regex selection.Value '<Text>' should add '<Name>' and '<Email>'("[email protected]","Tricia McMillan [email protected]","Tricia McMillan")
Add-Counter.Adds a counter property.Given JSON '<JsonInput>', adding a '<PropertyName>' counter should result in '<JsonOutput>'("id","[{"name": "A"},{"name": "B"},{"name": "C"}]","[{"name":"A","id":1},{"name":"B","id":2},{"name":"C","id":3}]")
Add-Counter.Adds a counter property.Should number providers
Add-DynamicParam.Adding parameters.Should add a required string parameter
Add-DynamicParam.Adding parameters.Should add several alternative parameters
Add-GitHubMetadata.Add basic GitHub metadata.Should create, .editorconfig, CODEOWNERS, and .gitattributes (Linguist)
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set .editorconfig rules.Should set .editorconfig rules
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set CODEOWNERS.Should set specific CODEOWNERS by pattern
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set Linguist rules.Should set Linguist rules in .gitattributes
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set VSCode Prettier disable
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set VSCode extension recommendations
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set contributing guidelines
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set issue template
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set license
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set pull request template
Add-NoteProperty.Add a calculated property value.Should add a property with a static value calculated when added
Add-NoteProperty.Add a calculated property value.Should add multiple properties with a mix of value types
Add-NotebookCell.When run within a Polyglot Notebook, appends a cell to it.Adding language '<Language>' code '<Code>' should happen("mermaid","flowchart LR
A -->B")
Add-NotebookCell.When run within a Polyglot Notebook, appends a cell to it.Adding language '<Language>' code '<Code>' should happen("sql","select * from products;")
Add-ParameterDefault.Appends or creates a value to use for the specified cmdlet parameter to use when one is not specified..Should set a hashtable default
Add-ParameterDefault.Appends or creates a value to use for the specified cmdlet parameter to use when one is not specified..Should set a simple default
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calculate a numeric scope
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calculate local scope
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calulate global scope
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000007","2000-01-01T00:00:00",7)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-01T00:00:30","2000-01-01","00:00:30")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-08T00:00:00","2000-01-01T00:00:00","7")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-07-01T00:00:00.000006","2010-07-01T00:00:00",60)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-07-01T00:00:30","2010-07-01T00:00:00","00:00:30")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-08-30T00:00:00","2010-07-01T00:00:00","60")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2020-12-31T23:59:00.00001","2020-12-31T23:59:00",100)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2020-12-31T23:59:59","2020-12-31T23:59:00","00:00:59")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2021-04-10T23:59:00","2020-12-31T23:59:00","100")
Add-VsCodeDatabaseConnection.Adds a VS Code MSSQL database connection to the repo..Should add a trusted connection("AdventureWorks","AdventureWorks2016","(localdb)\ProjectsV13")
Add-VsCodeDatabaseConnection.Adds a VS Code MSSQL database connection to the repo..Should add a trusted connection("ConnectionName","Database","ServerName\instance")
Backup-File.Simple backup.Should create a backup as a sibling to a file, with date and time values in the name
Backup-SchTasks.Exports the local list of Scheduled Tasks into a single XML file.Should export to tasks-backup.xml using the tasks.css stylesheet
Backup-SchTasks.Exports the local list of Scheduled Tasks into a single XML file.Should export to tasks.xml
Backup-Workstation.Adds various configuration files and exported settings to a ZIP file..Creates a ZIP file
Compare-Keys.Returns the differences between two dictionaries.Comparing '<ReferenceDictionary>' to '<DifferenceDictionary>' (including equal keys) should yield '<Result>'("Key    Action ReferenceValue DifferenceValue
---    ------ -------------- ---------------
A     Deleted              1 
B   Unchanged              2 2
C    Modified              3 4
D       Added                6",System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)
Compare-Properties.Compares the properties of two objects.Should find the difference between PSProviders
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that adds child nodes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that changes attributes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that changes child nodes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that updates an attribute value
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tempdata","%TEMP%\tempdata")
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("[C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Roaming]","[%APPDATA%]")
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("[fv-az1111-618]","[%COMPUTERNAME%]")
Connect-SshKey.Uses OpenSSH to generate a key and connect it to an ssh server.Should set up an SSH key to a server using ssh
Convert-ChocolateyToWinget.Change from managing various packages with Chocolatey to WinGet.Should convert chocolatey packages to winget
Convert-ClipboardTsvToHtml.Parses TSV clipboard data into HTML table data which is copied back to the clipboard.Should convert '<TsvData>' to '<HtmlData>'("Version:0.9      
<!DOCTYPE HTML  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0  Transitional//EN">
</table><!--EndFragment--></body></html>",Id	Name 1	First 2	Second 3	Third)
Convert-ClipboardTsvToHtml.Parses TSV clipboard data into HTML table data which is copied back to the clipboard.Should convert '<TsvData>' to '<HtmlData>'("Version:0.9      
<!DOCTYPE HTML  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0  Transitional//EN">
<tr><td>New Year&#39;s Day (observed)</td><td>2023-01-02</td></tr>
<tr><td>Martin Luther King, Jr Day</td><td>2023-01-16</td></tr>
<tr><td>Washington&#39;s Birthday</td><td>2023-02-20</td></tr>
</table><!--EndFragment--></body></html>",Name	Date New Year's Day (observed)	2023-01-02 Martin Luther King, Jr Day	2023-01-16 Washington's Birthday	2023-02-20)
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a simple transform to pipeline data
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a text transform to a file
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a trivial transform to pipeline data
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a URI-style base-64 string from pipeline
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a base-64 string from pipeline as a byte array
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a standard base-64 string as parameter
ConvertFrom-CimInstance.Convert a CimInstance object to a PSObject.Should convert a Scheduled Task CIM instance into a PSCustomObject
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to dictionaries
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to objects
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to values
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("0:00:01","PT1S")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("0:01:00","PT1M")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("1.0:00:00","P1D")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("1:00:00","PT1H")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("3.00:10:00","PT72H10M")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("5.01:35:00","P3DT48H90M300S")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("7.0:00:00","P1W")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("90.08:00:00","P90DT8H")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1M","Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).","30.0:00:00")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1Y","Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425).","365.0:00:00")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1Y3M2DT8H20M15S",Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425). Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).,"458.08:20:15")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S",Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425). Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).,"1283.12:30:05")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(0,"1970-01-01")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(1012615322,"2002-02-02T02:02:02")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(1645568542,"2022-02-22T22:22:22")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(663486600,"1991-01-10T05:50")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(946684800,"2000-01-01")
ConvertFrom-EscapedXml.Parse escaped XML into XML and serialize it.Should convert '<Value>' into '<Result>'("&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;","<a href="">link</a>")
ConvertFrom-EscapedXml.Parse escaped XML into XML and serialize it.Should convert '<Value>' into '<Result>'("&lt;x /&gt;","<x />")
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("0x25504446",37 80 68 70)
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("EF BB BF",239 187 191)
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("c0ffee",192 255 238)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("1999-W52-6",01/01/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W02-2",01/11/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W03-5",01/21/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W05-1",01/31/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W06-4",02/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W07-7",02/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W09-3",03/01/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W10-6",03/11/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W12-2",03/21/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W13-5",03/31/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W15-1",04/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W16-4",04/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W17-7",04/30/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W19-3",05/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W20-6",05/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W22-2",05/30/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W23-5",06/09/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W25-1",06/19/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W26-4",06/29/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W27-7",07/09/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W29-3",07/19/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W30-6",07/29/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W32-2",08/08/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W33-5",08/18/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W35-1",08/28/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W36-4",09/07/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W37-7",09/17/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W39-3",09/27/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W40-6",10/07/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W42-2",10/17/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W43-5",10/27/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W45-1",11/06/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W46-4",11/16/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W47-7",11/26/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W49-3",12/06/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W50-6",12/16/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W52-2",12/26/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W01-5",01/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W03-1",01/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W04-4",01/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W05-7",02/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W07-3",02/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W08-6",02/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W10-2",03/06/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W11-5",03/16/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W13-1",03/26/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W14-4",04/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W15-7",04/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W17-3",04/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W18-6",05/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W20-2",05/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W21-5",05/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W23-1",06/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W24-4",06/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W25-7",06/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W27-3",07/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W28-6",07/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W30-2",07/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W31-5",08/03/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W33-1",08/13/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W34-4",08/23/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W35-7",09/02/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W37-3",09/12/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W38-6",09/22/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W40-2",10/02/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W41-5",10/12/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W43-1",10/22/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W44-4",11/01/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W45-7",11/11/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W47-3",11/21/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W48-6",12/01/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W50-2",12/11/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W51-5",12/21/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W01-1",12/31/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W02-4",01/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W03-7",01/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W05-3",01/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W06-6",02/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W08-2",02/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W09-5",03/01/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W11-1",03/11/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W12-4",03/21/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W13-7",03/31/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W15-3",04/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W16-6",04/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W18-2",04/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W19-5",05/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W21-1",05/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W22-4",05/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W23-7",06/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W25-3",06/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W26-6",06/29/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W28-2",07/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W29-5",07/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W31-1",07/29/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W32-4",08/08/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W33-7",08/18/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W35-3",08/28/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W36-6",09/07/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W38-2",09/17/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W39-5",09/27/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W41-1",10/07/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W42-4",10/17/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W43-7",10/27/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W45-3",11/06/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W46-6",11/16/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W48-2",11/26/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W49-5",12/06/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W51-1",12/16/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W52-4",12/26/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W01-7",01/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W03-3",01/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W04-6",01/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W06-2",02/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W07-5",02/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W09-1",02/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W10-4",03/06/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W11-7",03/16/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W13-3",03/26/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W14-6",04/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W16-2",04/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W17-5",04/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W19-1",05/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W20-4",05/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W21-7",05/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W23-3",06/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W24-6",06/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W26-2",06/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W27-5",07/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W29-1",07/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W30-4",07/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W31-7",08/03/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W33-3",08/13/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W34-6",08/23/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W36-2",09/02/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W37-5",09/12/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W39-1",09/22/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W40-4",10/02/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W41-7",10/12/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W43-3",10/22/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W44-6",11/01/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W46-2",11/11/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W47-5",11/21/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W49-1",12/01/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W50-4",12/11/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W51-7",12/21/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W01-3",12/31/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W02-6",01/10/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W04-2",01/20/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W05-5",01/30/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W07-1",02/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W08-4",02/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W09-7",02/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W11-3",03/10/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W12-6",03/20/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W14-2",03/30/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W15-5",04/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W17-1",04/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W18-4",04/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W19-7",05/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W21-3",05/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W22-6",05/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W24-2",06/08/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W25-5",06/18/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W27-1",06/28/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W28-4",07/08/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W29-7",07/18/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W31-3",07/28/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W32-6",08/07/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W34-2",08/17/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W35-5",08/27/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W37-1",09/06/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W38-4",09/16/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W39-7",09/26/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W41-3",10/06/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W42-6",10/16/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W44-2",10/26/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W45-5",11/05/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W47-1",11/15/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W48-4",11/25/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W49-7",12/05/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W51-3",12/15/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W52-6",12/25/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W01-2",01/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W02-5",01/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W04-1",01/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W05-4",02/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W06-7",02/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W08-3",02/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W09-6",03/05/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W11-2",03/15/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W12-5",03/25/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W14-1",04/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W15-4",04/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W16-7",04/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W18-3",05/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W19-6",05/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W21-2",05/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W22-5",06/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W24-1",06/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W25-4",06/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W26-7",07/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W28-3",07/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W29-6",07/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W31-2",08/02/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W32-5",08/12/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W34-1",08/22/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W35-4",09/01/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W36-7",09/11/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W38-3",09/21/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W39-6",10/01/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W41-2",10/11/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W42-5",10/21/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W44-1",10/31/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W45-4",11/10/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W46-7",11/20/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W48-3",11/30/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W49-6",12/10/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W51-2",12/20/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W52-5",12/30/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W02-1",01/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W03-4",01/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W04-7",01/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W06-3",02/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W07-6",02/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W09-2",02/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W10-5",03/10/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W12-1",03/20/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W13-4",03/30/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W14-7",04/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W16-3",04/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W17-6",04/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W19-2",05/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W20-5",05/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W22-1",05/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W23-4",06/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W24-7",06/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W26-3",06/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W27-6",07/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W29-2",07/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W30-5",07/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W32-1",08/07/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W33-4",08/17/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W34-7",08/27/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W36-3",09/06/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W37-6",09/16/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W39-2",09/26/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W40-5",10/06/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W42-1",10/16/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W43-4",10/26/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W44-7",11/05/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W46-3",11/15/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W47-6",11/25/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W49-2",12/05/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W50-5",12/15/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W52-1",12/25/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W01-4",01/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W02-7",01/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W04-3",01/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W05-6",02/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W07-2",02/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W08-5",02/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W10-1",03/05/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W11-4",03/15/2007 00:00:00)

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

657 skipped tests found (test 350 to 657)

There are 657 skipped tests, see "Raw output" for the list of skipped tests 350 to 657.
Raw output
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W12-7",03/25/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W14-3",04/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W15-6",04/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W17-2",04/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W18-5",05/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W20-1",05/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W21-4",05/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W22-7",06/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W24-3",06/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W25-6",06/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W27-2",07/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W28-5",07/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W30-1",07/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W31-4",08/02/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W32-7",08/12/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W34-3",08/22/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W35-6",09/01/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W37-2",09/11/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W38-5",09/21/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W40-1",10/01/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W41-4",10/11/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W42-7",10/21/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W44-3",10/31/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W45-6",11/10/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W47-2",11/20/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W48-5",11/30/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W50-1",12/10/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W51-4",12/20/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W52-7",12/30/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W02-3",01/09/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W03-6",01/19/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W05-2",01/29/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W06-5",02/08/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W08-1",02/18/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W09-4",02/28/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W10-7",03/09/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W12-3",03/19/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert from an XML document to an object
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert from an XML element to an object
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert the XML from Select-Xml into an object
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a byte array from pipeline to a base-64 string from pipeline
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a string from pipeline to a URI-style base-64 string
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a string parameter as a standard base-64 string
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("//mrrrChds1","hcase","Basic aGNhc2U6Ly9tcnJyQ2hkczE=")
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("pr1mpCtrl!","hprot","Basic aHByb3Q6cHIxbXBDdHJsIQ==")
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("w@terHous3","eroot","Basic ZXJvb3Q6d0B0ZXJIb3VzMw==")
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("1970-01-01Z",0)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("1991-01-10T05:50Z",663486600)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2000-01-01Z",946684800)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2002-02-02T02:02:02Z",1012615322)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2022-02-22T22:22:22Z",1645568542)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("FEB","RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYDAY=28",28,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("feb","RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYSETPOS=-1",null,"lastday")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1THU","thu","last")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=1",null,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=13",13,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=2MON","mon","second")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1",,1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,TH",Tuesday Thursday,1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2",,2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=SU,SA",Saturday Sunday,2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3",,3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR",Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5",,5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;BYDAY=TH","Thursday",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2000-01-01T07:00")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2002-02-20T22:11:33")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2020-02-02T20:02")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2000-01-01")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2002-02-20 02:20:02")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2022-02-22 22:20:20")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(01/16/1980 04:22:03)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(02/06/1970 02:32:48)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(04/09/2024 21:26:58)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(07/02/2036 12:59:56)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(07/23/1999 05:10:15)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(09/23/2003 05:08:46)
ConvertTo-MultipartFormData.Creates multipart/form-data to send as a request body.Converts a dictionary of form values to a UTF-8 byte array body(System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary)
ConvertTo-MultipartFormData.Creates multipart/form-data to send as a request body.Sets header values for content type
ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary.Converts an object to an ordered dictionary of properties and values..Should convert an IO.FileInfo object into a dictionary
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a credential.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using credential '<Name>' : '<Secret>'("$w0rdF1sh","Lorem ipsum dolor","apikey")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a credential.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using credential '<Name>' : '<Secret>'("P@ssw0rd!","Test","user")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided password.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using password '<Secret>'("Lorem ipsum dolor","$w0rdf1sh")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided password.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using password '<Secret>'("Test","P@ssw0rd")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided zero key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using key bytes '<Secret>'("Lorem ipsum dolor",1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided zero key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using key bytes '<Secret>'("Test",0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(0,"0")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(1,"1")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(1,"1y")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(15360,"15KB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(16888498602639360000,"15000ulPB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(200,"200uy")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(30720,"30sKB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(3221225472,"3uGB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(4294967296,"4LGB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(61440,"60usKB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(7,"7")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(9,"9")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals(""2000-01-01T00:00:00"","[datetime]'2000-01-01T00:00:00'")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals(""Don't Panic!"","'Don''t Panic!'")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("7","7L")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("[6,9,42]","@(
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("null","$null")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("{"a":1,"b":2,"c":{"d":"2017-03-22T20:59:31","e":null}}","[pscustomobject]@{
	a = 1L
	b = 2L
	c = [pscustomobject]@{
		d = [datetime]'2017-03-22T20:59:31'
		e = $null
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("{}","[pscustomobject]@{

ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes secure strings secured with a generated key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using a generated zero key("Lorem ipsum dolor")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes secure strings secured with a generated key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using a generated zero key("Test")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1,"I")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(10,"X")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(100,"C")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1000,"M")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(11,"XI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1111,"MCXI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(12,"XII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(13,"XIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(14,"XIV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(15,"XV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(16,"XVI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(17,"XVII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(18,"XVIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(19,"XIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2,"II")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(20,"XX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2020,"MMXX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2022,"MMXXII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(21,"XXI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(22,"XXII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(23,"XXIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(24,"XXIV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(25,"XXV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(3,"III")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(35,"XXXV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(4,"IV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(45,"XLV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(46,"XLVI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(47,"XLVII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(48,"XLVIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(49,"XLIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(5,"V")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(50,"L")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(51,"LI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(52,"LII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(6,"VI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(7,"VII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(8,"VIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(9,"IX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(99,"XCIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(999,"CMXCIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1,"Ⅰ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(10,"Ⅹ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(100,"Ⅽ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1000,"Ⅿ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(11,"ⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1111,"ⅯⅭⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(12,"ⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(13,"ⅩⅢ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(14,"ⅩⅣ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(15,"ⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(16,"ⅩⅥ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(17,"ⅩⅦ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(18,"ⅩⅧ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(19,"ⅩⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2,"Ⅱ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(20,"ⅩⅩ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2020,"ⅯⅯⅩⅩ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2022,"ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(21,"ⅩⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(22,"ⅩⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(23,"ⅩⅩⅢ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(24,"ⅩⅩⅣ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(25,"ⅩⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(3,"Ⅲ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(35,"ⅩⅩⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(4,"Ⅳ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(45,"ⅩⅬⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(46,"ⅩⅬⅥ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(47,"ⅩⅬⅦ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(48,"ⅩⅬⅧ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(49,"ⅩⅬⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(5,"Ⅴ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(50,"Ⅼ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(51,"ⅬⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(52,"ⅬⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(6,"Ⅵ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(7,"Ⅶ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(8,"Ⅷ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(9,"Ⅸ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(99,"ⅩⅭⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(999,"ⅭⅯⅩⅭⅠⅩ")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("ETA: ½ hour","ETA: &#xBD; hour")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f41b fix bug","&#x1F41B; fix bug")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f4a1 File → Save","&#x1F4A1; File &#x2192; Save")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f9ea new test","&#x1F9EA; new test")
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("0",0,True)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Byte>1</Byte>",1,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<DBNull />",,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<DBNull />",,True)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Int32>0</Int32>",0,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Int64>2</Int64>",2,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<ObjectArray>
</ObjectArray>",1 2 3,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<PSCustomObject>
</PSCustomObject>",@{UserName=username; Computer=COMPUTERNAME},False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<String>Don&apos;t Panic!</String>","Don't Panic!",False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<UInt64>16888498602639360000</UInt64>",16888498602639360000,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<html>
<p>Some text.</p>
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<item>
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<null />",null,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<null />",null,True)
Copy-GitHubLabels.Copies configured issue labels from one repo to another.Should add, update, and delete labels as needed by ReplaceAll mode
Copy-Html.Copies objects as an HTML table.Should copy objects as HTML(  ,"*<tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th></tr>
<tr><td align="right">1</td><td>First</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">2</td><td>Second</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">3</td><td>Third</td></tr>
Copy-SchTasks.Copy scheduled jobs from another computer to this one, using a GUI list to choose jobs.Tasks are copied from one system to another
Disable-AnsiColor.Disables ANSI terminal colors.Sets OutputRendering
Enable-AnsiColor.Enables ANSI terminal colors..Sets OutputRendering
Expand-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in the specified string with the string equivalent of the value of the variable, then returns the resulting string.Expands '<String>' to '<Result>'("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\ado","C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado")
Expand-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in the specified string with the string equivalent of the value of the variable, then returns the resulting string.Expands '<String>' to '<Result>'("%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe","C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe")
Export-DatabaseScripts.Exports MS SQL database objects from the given server and database as files, into a consistent folder structure.Export scripts
Export-EdgeKeywords.Returns the configured search keywords from an Edge SQLite file.Queries the default Edge SQLLite file
Export-InstalledPackages.Exports the list of packages installed by various tools.Queries the installed packages
Export-Json.Exports a portion of a JSON document, recursively importing references.Given '<InputObject>', selecting '<JsonPointer>' with compressed set to '<Compress>' should return '<Result>'(False,"{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}","/d/a","{
  "b": 1,
  "c": 2
Export-Json.Exports a portion of a JSON document, recursively importing references.Given '<InputObject>', selecting '<JsonPointer>' with compressed set to '<Compress>' should return '<Result>'(True,"{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}","/d/a","{"b":1,"c":{"d":2}}")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the mock Library database generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Library.mmd")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the mock Library database, the table '<Table>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Book","Library.dbo.Book.mmd")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the test database, the schema '<Schema>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("AW.Purchasing.mmd","Purchasing")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the test database, the table '<Table>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Production","AW.Production.Product.mmd","Product")
Export-OpenApiSchema.Extracts a JSON schema from an OpenAPI definition.Exports the request schema from sample schema
Export-OpenApiSchema.Extracts a JSON schema from an OpenAPI definition.Exports the response schema from sample schema
Export-Readme.Builds repo readme documentation.Exports a list of scripts and their status and disposition
Export-SecretVault.Exports secret vault content.Returns the contents of the default vault
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("Department","HumanResources")
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("PhoneNumberType","Person")
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("ProductModelIllustration","Production")
Find-DatabaseValue.Searches an entire database for a field value.Finds France in [Sales].[SalesTerritory] by country code
Find-DatabaseValue.Searches an entire database for a field value.Finds matching values across several tables
Find-DbColumn.Searches for database columns.Finds price columns in the test database
Find-DbIndexes.Returns indexes using a column with the given name.Finds the ErrorLog ID
Find-DotNetTools.Returns a list of matching dotnet tools.Finds .NET Interactive
Find-DotNetTools.Returns a list of matching dotnet tools.Finds Microsoft packages
Find-InstalledPrograms.Searches installed programs.Finds PowerShell installation
Find-Lines.Searches a specific subset of files for lines matching a pattern.Finds a line
Find-Lines.Searches a specific subset of files for lines matching a pattern.Finds a line and adds blame info
Find-NewestFile.Finds the most recent file.Gets most recent file
Find-ProjectPackages.Find modules used in projects.Finds an installed package
ForEach-Progress.Performs an operation against each item in a collection of input objects, with a progress bar.Displays progress
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("0","0",0,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1","1 B",1,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1.15GB","1.15 GiB",1234567890,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1.1GB","1.1 GiB",1234567890,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1GB","1 GiB",1073741824,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1GB","1 GiB",1234567890,0)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1KB","1 KiB",1024,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1MB","1 MiB",1048576,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1PB","1 PiB",1125899906842624,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1TB","1 TiB",1099511627776,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("888.18PB","888.18 PiB",999999999999999999,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("9.2MB","9.2 MiB",9685059,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765063822GB","919.824765063822 GiB",987654321000,12)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765063822GB","919.824765063822 GiB",987654321000,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82476506382GB","919.82476506382 GiB",987654321000,11)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8247650638GB","919.8247650638 GiB",987654321000,10)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765064GB","919.824765064 GiB",987654321000,9)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82476506GB","919.82476506 GiB",987654321000,8)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8247651GB","919.8247651 GiB",987654321000,7)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765GB","919.824765 GiB",987654321000,6)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82477GB","919.82477 GiB",987654321000,5)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8248GB","919.8248 GiB",987654321000,4)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.825GB","919.825 GiB",987654321000,3)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82GB","919.82 GiB",987654321000,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8GB","919.8 GiB",987654321000,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("920GB","920 GiB",987654321000,0)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999","999 B",999,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999GB","999 GiB",1072668082176,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999KB","999 KiB",1022976,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999MB","999 MiB",1047527424,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999PB","999 PiB",1124774006935781376,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999TB","999 TiB",1098412116148224,16)
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query old IISW3C logs from IIS 7.0
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query old IISW3C logs from IIS 8.5
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query very old IISW3C logs
Select-CapturesFromMatches.Selects named capture group values as note properties from Select-String MatchInfo objects.Should select name '<Name>' and email '<Email>' from '<InputString>' using '<Regex>'("Arthur Dent [email protected]","^(?<Name>.*?\b)\s*(?<Email>\S+@\S+)$","[email protected]","Arthur Dent")
Select-CapturesFromMatches.Selects named capture group values as note properties from Select-String MatchInfo objects.Should select name '<Name>' and email '<Email>' from '<InputString>' using '<Regex>'("Tricia McMillan <[email protected]>","^(?<Name>.*?\b)\s*<(?<Email>\S+@\S+)>$","[email protected]","Tricia McMillan")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' (following references) from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/*/a/c/*","{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' (following references) from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/d/a/c/d","{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns structure '<Result>' (as JSON)("{"AD~BC":7}","/b/~4~3~2~1]","{"a":1, "b": {"[*?/]": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns structure '<Result>' (as JSON)("{"ZZ/ZZ":{"AD~BC":7}}","/b","{"a":1, "b": {"ZZ/ZZ": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(1,"/a","{a:1}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/b","{a:1,b:2,c:3}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(3.14,"/","{"":3.14}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(6,"/b/bc","{a:{aa:1,ab:2,ac:3},b:{ba:4,bb:5,bc:6}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(7,"/b/ZZ~1ZZ/AD~0BC","{"a":1, "b": {"ZZ/ZZ": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(7,"/b/~4~3~2~1]/AD~0BC","{"a":1, "b": {"[*?/]": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"","true")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/*/name","[{name: true, id: false, description: false}]")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/0/name","[{name: true, id: false, description: false}]")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/list/*/name","{list:[{name: true, id: false}]}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/list/0/name","{list:[{name: true, id: false}]}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/name","{name: true, id: false, description: false}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(null,"/b","{a:1}")

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

657 tests found (test 1 to 349)

There are 657 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 1 to 349.
Raw output
Add-CapturesToMatches.Add to regex selection.Value '<Text>' should add '<Name>' and '<Email>'("[email protected]","Arthur Dent [email protected]","Arthur Dent")
Add-CapturesToMatches.Add to regex selection.Value '<Text>' should add '<Name>' and '<Email>'("[email protected]","Tricia McMillan [email protected]","Tricia McMillan")
Add-Counter.Adds a counter property.Given JSON '<JsonInput>', adding a '<PropertyName>' counter should result in '<JsonOutput>'("id","[{"name": "A"},{"name": "B"},{"name": "C"}]","[{"name":"A","id":1},{"name":"B","id":2},{"name":"C","id":3}]")
Add-Counter.Adds a counter property.Should number providers
Add-DynamicParam.Adding parameters.Should add a required string parameter
Add-DynamicParam.Adding parameters.Should add several alternative parameters
Add-GitHubMetadata.Add basic GitHub metadata.Should create, .editorconfig, CODEOWNERS, and .gitattributes (Linguist)
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set .editorconfig rules.Should set .editorconfig rules
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set CODEOWNERS.Should set specific CODEOWNERS by pattern
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set Linguist rules.Should set Linguist rules in .gitattributes
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set VSCode Prettier disable
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set VSCode extension recommendations
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set contributing guidelines
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set issue template
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set license
Add-GitHubMetadata.Set templates.Should set pull request template
Add-NoteProperty.Add a calculated property value.Should add a property with a static value calculated when added
Add-NoteProperty.Add a calculated property value.Should add multiple properties with a mix of value types
Add-NotebookCell.When run within a Polyglot Notebook, appends a cell to it.Adding language '<Language>' code '<Code>' should happen("mermaid","flowchart LR
A -->B")
Add-NotebookCell.When run within a Polyglot Notebook, appends a cell to it.Adding language '<Language>' code '<Code>' should happen("sql","select * from products;")
Add-ParameterDefault.Appends or creates a value to use for the specified cmdlet parameter to use when one is not specified..Should set a hashtable default
Add-ParameterDefault.Appends or creates a value to use for the specified cmdlet parameter to use when one is not specified..Should set a simple default
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calculate a numeric scope
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calculate local scope
Add-ScopeLevel.Convert a scope level to account for another call stack level..Should calulate global scope
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-01T00:00:00.0000007","2000-01-01T00:00:00",7)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-01T00:00:30","2000-01-01","00:00:30")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2000-01-08T00:00:00","2000-01-01T00:00:00","7")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-07-01T00:00:00.000006","2010-07-01T00:00:00",60)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-07-01T00:00:30","2010-07-01T00:00:00","00:00:30")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2010-08-30T00:00:00","2010-07-01T00:00:00","60")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2020-12-31T23:59:00.00001","2020-12-31T23:59:00",100)
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2020-12-31T23:59:59","2020-12-31T23:59:00","00:00:59")
Add-TimeSpan.Adds a timespan to DateTime values..Should add '<TimeSpan>' to a '<DateTime>' pipeline value and return '<Result>'("2021-04-10T23:59:00","2020-12-31T23:59:00","100")
Add-VsCodeDatabaseConnection.Adds a VS Code MSSQL database connection to the repo..Should add a trusted connection("AdventureWorks","AdventureWorks2016","(localdb)\ProjectsV13")
Add-VsCodeDatabaseConnection.Adds a VS Code MSSQL database connection to the repo..Should add a trusted connection("ConnectionName","Database","ServerName\instance")
Backup-File.Simple backup.Should create a backup as a sibling to a file, with date and time values in the name
Backup-SchTasks.Exports the local list of Scheduled Tasks into a single XML file.Should export to tasks-backup.xml using the tasks.css stylesheet
Backup-SchTasks.Exports the local list of Scheduled Tasks into a single XML file.Should export to tasks.xml
Backup-Workstation.Adds various configuration files and exported settings to a ZIP file..Creates a ZIP file
Compare-Keys.Returns the differences between two dictionaries.Comparing '<ReferenceDictionary>' to '<DifferenceDictionary>' (including equal keys) should yield '<Result>'("Key    Action ReferenceValue DifferenceValue
---    ------ -------------- ---------------
A     Deleted              1 
B   Unchanged              2 2
C    Modified              3 4
D       Added                6",System.Collections.Hashtable,System.Collections.Hashtable)
Compare-Properties.Compares the properties of two objects.Should find the difference between PSProviders
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that adds child nodes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that changes attributes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that changes child nodes
Compare-Xml.Compares two XML documents and returns the differences as XSLT.Should return a diff that updates an attribute value
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("C:\Users\RUNNER~1\AppData\Local\Temp\tempdata","%TEMP%\tempdata")
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("[C:\Users\runneradmin\AppData\Roaming]","[%APPDATA%]")
Compress-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces each of the longest matching parts of a string with an embedded environment variable with that value.For '<Value>', should return '<Result>'("[fv-az1111-618]","[%COMPUTERNAME%]")
Connect-SshKey.Uses OpenSSH to generate a key and connect it to an ssh server.Should set up an SSH key to a server using ssh
Convert-ChocolateyToWinget.Change from managing various packages with Chocolatey to WinGet.Should convert chocolatey packages to winget
Convert-ClipboardTsvToHtml.Parses TSV clipboard data into HTML table data which is copied back to the clipboard.Should convert '<TsvData>' to '<HtmlData>'("Version:0.9      
<!DOCTYPE HTML  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0  Transitional//EN">
</table><!--EndFragment--></body></html>",Id	Name 1	First 2	Second 3	Third)
Convert-ClipboardTsvToHtml.Parses TSV clipboard data into HTML table data which is copied back to the clipboard.Should convert '<TsvData>' to '<HtmlData>'("Version:0.9      
<!DOCTYPE HTML  PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0  Transitional//EN">
<tr><td>New Year&#39;s Day (observed)</td><td>2023-01-02</td></tr>
<tr><td>Martin Luther King, Jr Day</td><td>2023-01-16</td></tr>
<tr><td>Washington&#39;s Birthday</td><td>2023-02-20</td></tr>
</table><!--EndFragment--></body></html>",Name	Date New Year's Day (observed)	2023-01-02 Martin Luther King, Jr Day	2023-01-16 Washington's Birthday	2023-02-20)
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a simple transform to pipeline data
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a text transform to a file
Convert-Xml.Transform XML using an XSLT template.Should perform a trivial transform to pipeline data
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a URI-style base-64 string from pipeline
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a base-64 string from pipeline as a byte array
ConvertFrom-Base64.Converts base64-encoded text to bytes or text.Should parse a standard base-64 string as parameter
ConvertFrom-CimInstance.Convert a CimInstance object to a PSObject.Should convert a Scheduled Task CIM instance into a PSCustomObject
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to dictionaries
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to objects
ConvertFrom-DataRow.Converts a DataRow object to a PSObject, Hashtable, or single value.Should convert rows to values
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("0:00:01","PT1S")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("0:01:00","PT1M")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("1.0:00:00","P1D")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("1:00:00","PT1H")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("3.00:10:00","PT72H10M")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("5.01:35:00","P3DT48H90M300S")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("7.0:00:00","P1W")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("90.08:00:00","P90DT8H")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1M","Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).","30.0:00:00")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1Y","Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425).","365.0:00:00")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P1Y3M2DT8H20M15S",Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425). Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).,"458.08:20:15")
ConvertFrom-Duration.Parses a Timespan from a ISO8601 duration string.Should parse '<Duration>' as '<TimeSpan>'("P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S",Adding year(s) as a mean number of days (365.2425). Adding month(s) as a mean number of days (30.436875).,"1283.12:30:05")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(0,"1970-01-01")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(1012615322,"2002-02-02T02:02:02")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(1645568542,"2022-02-22T22:22:22")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(663486600,"1991-01-10T05:50")
ConvertFrom-EpochTime.Converts an integer Unix (POSIX) time (seconds since Jan 1, 1970) into a DateTime value.Epoch time '<EpochTime>' is converted to '<Result>'(946684800,"2000-01-01")
ConvertFrom-EscapedXml.Parse escaped XML into XML and serialize it.Should convert '<Value>' into '<Result>'("&lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;link&lt;/a&gt;","<a href="">link</a>")
ConvertFrom-EscapedXml.Parse escaped XML into XML and serialize it.Should convert '<Value>' into '<Result>'("&lt;x /&gt;","<x />")
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("0x25504446",37 80 68 70)
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("EF BB BF",239 187 191)
ConvertFrom-Hex.Convert a string of hexadecimal digits into a byte array.The value '<Value>' should return '<Result>'("c0ffee",192 255 238)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("1999-W52-6",01/01/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W02-2",01/11/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W03-5",01/21/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W05-1",01/31/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W06-4",02/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W07-7",02/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W09-3",03/01/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W10-6",03/11/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W12-2",03/21/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W13-5",03/31/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W15-1",04/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W16-4",04/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W17-7",04/30/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W19-3",05/10/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W20-6",05/20/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W22-2",05/30/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W23-5",06/09/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W25-1",06/19/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W26-4",06/29/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W27-7",07/09/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W29-3",07/19/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W30-6",07/29/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W32-2",08/08/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W33-5",08/18/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W35-1",08/28/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W36-4",09/07/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W37-7",09/17/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W39-3",09/27/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W40-6",10/07/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W42-2",10/17/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W43-5",10/27/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W45-1",11/06/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W46-4",11/16/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W47-7",11/26/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W49-3",12/06/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W50-6",12/16/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2000-W52-2",12/26/2000 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W01-5",01/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W03-1",01/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W04-4",01/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W05-7",02/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W07-3",02/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W08-6",02/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W10-2",03/06/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W11-5",03/16/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W13-1",03/26/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W14-4",04/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W15-7",04/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W17-3",04/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W18-6",05/05/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W20-2",05/15/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W21-5",05/25/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W23-1",06/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W24-4",06/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W25-7",06/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W27-3",07/04/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W28-6",07/14/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W30-2",07/24/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W31-5",08/03/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W33-1",08/13/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W34-4",08/23/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W35-7",09/02/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W37-3",09/12/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W38-6",09/22/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W40-2",10/02/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W41-5",10/12/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W43-1",10/22/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W44-4",11/01/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W45-7",11/11/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W47-3",11/21/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W48-6",12/01/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W50-2",12/11/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2001-W51-5",12/21/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W01-1",12/31/2001 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W02-4",01/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W03-7",01/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W05-3",01/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W06-6",02/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W08-2",02/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W09-5",03/01/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W11-1",03/11/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W12-4",03/21/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W13-7",03/31/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W15-3",04/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W16-6",04/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W18-2",04/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W19-5",05/10/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W21-1",05/20/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W22-4",05/30/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W23-7",06/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W25-3",06/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W26-6",06/29/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W28-2",07/09/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W29-5",07/19/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W31-1",07/29/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W32-4",08/08/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W33-7",08/18/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W35-3",08/28/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W36-6",09/07/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W38-2",09/17/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W39-5",09/27/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W41-1",10/07/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W42-4",10/17/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W43-7",10/27/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W45-3",11/06/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W46-6",11/16/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W48-2",11/26/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W49-5",12/06/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W51-1",12/16/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2002-W52-4",12/26/2002 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W01-7",01/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W03-3",01/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W04-6",01/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W06-2",02/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W07-5",02/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W09-1",02/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W10-4",03/06/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W11-7",03/16/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W13-3",03/26/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W14-6",04/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W16-2",04/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W17-5",04/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W19-1",05/05/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W20-4",05/15/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W21-7",05/25/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W23-3",06/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W24-6",06/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W26-2",06/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W27-5",07/04/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W29-1",07/14/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W30-4",07/24/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W31-7",08/03/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W33-3",08/13/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W34-6",08/23/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W36-2",09/02/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W37-5",09/12/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W39-1",09/22/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W40-4",10/02/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W41-7",10/12/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W43-3",10/22/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W44-6",11/01/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W46-2",11/11/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W47-5",11/21/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W49-1",12/01/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W50-4",12/11/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2003-W51-7",12/21/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W01-3",12/31/2003 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W02-6",01/10/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W04-2",01/20/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W05-5",01/30/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W07-1",02/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W08-4",02/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W09-7",02/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W11-3",03/10/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W12-6",03/20/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W14-2",03/30/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W15-5",04/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W17-1",04/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W18-4",04/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W19-7",05/09/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W21-3",05/19/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W22-6",05/29/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W24-2",06/08/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W25-5",06/18/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W27-1",06/28/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W28-4",07/08/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W29-7",07/18/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W31-3",07/28/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W32-6",08/07/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W34-2",08/17/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W35-5",08/27/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W37-1",09/06/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W38-4",09/16/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W39-7",09/26/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W41-3",10/06/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W42-6",10/16/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W44-2",10/26/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W45-5",11/05/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W47-1",11/15/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W48-4",11/25/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W49-7",12/05/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W51-3",12/15/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2004-W52-6",12/25/2004 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W01-2",01/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W02-5",01/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W04-1",01/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W05-4",02/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W06-7",02/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W08-3",02/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W09-6",03/05/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W11-2",03/15/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W12-5",03/25/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W14-1",04/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W15-4",04/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W16-7",04/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W18-3",05/04/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W19-6",05/14/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W21-2",05/24/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W22-5",06/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W24-1",06/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W25-4",06/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W26-7",07/03/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W28-3",07/13/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W29-6",07/23/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W31-2",08/02/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W32-5",08/12/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W34-1",08/22/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W35-4",09/01/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W36-7",09/11/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W38-3",09/21/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W39-6",10/01/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W41-2",10/11/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W42-5",10/21/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W44-1",10/31/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W45-4",11/10/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W46-7",11/20/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W48-3",11/30/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W49-6",12/10/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W51-2",12/20/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2005-W52-5",12/30/2005 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W02-1",01/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W03-4",01/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W04-7",01/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W06-3",02/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W07-6",02/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W09-2",02/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W10-5",03/10/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W12-1",03/20/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W13-4",03/30/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W14-7",04/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W16-3",04/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W17-6",04/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W19-2",05/09/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W20-5",05/19/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W22-1",05/29/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W23-4",06/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W24-7",06/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W26-3",06/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W27-6",07/08/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W29-2",07/18/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W30-5",07/28/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W32-1",08/07/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W33-4",08/17/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W34-7",08/27/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W36-3",09/06/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W37-6",09/16/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W39-2",09/26/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W40-5",10/06/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W42-1",10/16/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W43-4",10/26/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W44-7",11/05/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W46-3",11/15/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W47-6",11/25/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W49-2",12/05/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W50-5",12/15/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2006-W52-1",12/25/2006 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W01-4",01/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W02-7",01/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W04-3",01/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W05-6",02/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W07-2",02/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W08-5",02/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W10-1",03/05/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W11-4",03/15/2007 00:00:00)

Check notice on line 0 in .github

See this annotation in the file changed.

@github-actions github-actions / Test Results

657 tests found (test 350 to 657)

There are 657 tests, see "Raw output" for the list of tests 350 to 657.
Raw output
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W12-7",03/25/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W14-3",04/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W15-6",04/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W17-2",04/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W18-5",05/04/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W20-1",05/14/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W21-4",05/24/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W22-7",06/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W24-3",06/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W25-6",06/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W27-2",07/03/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W28-5",07/13/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W30-1",07/23/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W31-4",08/02/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W32-7",08/12/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W34-3",08/22/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W35-6",09/01/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W37-2",09/11/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W38-5",09/21/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W40-1",10/01/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W41-4",10/11/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W42-7",10/21/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W44-3",10/31/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W45-6",11/10/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W47-2",11/20/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W48-5",11/30/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W50-1",12/10/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W51-4",12/20/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2007-W52-7",12/30/2007 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W02-3",01/09/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W03-6",01/19/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W05-2",01/29/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W06-5",02/08/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W08-1",02/18/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W09-4",02/28/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W10-7",03/09/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-IsoWeekDate.Returns a DateTime object from an ISO week date string..ISO week date string '<InputObject>' should return DateTime value '<Result>'("2008-W12-3",03/19/2008 00:00:00)
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert from an XML document to an object
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert from an XML element to an object
ConvertFrom-XmlElement.Converts named nodes of an element to properties of a PSObject, recursively.Should convert the XML from Select-Xml into an object
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a byte array from pipeline to a base-64 string from pipeline
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a string from pipeline to a URI-style base-64 string
ConvertTo-Base64.Converts bytes or text to base64-encoded text..Should encode a string parameter as a standard base-64 string
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("//mrrrChds1","hcase","Basic aGNhc2U6Ly9tcnJyQ2hkczE=")
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("pr1mpCtrl!","hprot","Basic aHByb3Q6cHIxbXBDdHJsIQ==")
ConvertTo-BasicAuthentication.Produces a basic authentication header string from a credential.Credential '<UserName>' with password '<SingleFactor>' should return '<Result>'("w@terHous3","eroot","Basic ZXJvb3Q6d0B0ZXJIb3VzMw==")
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("1970-01-01Z",0)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("1991-01-10T05:50Z",663486600)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2000-01-01Z",946684800)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2002-02-02T02:02:02Z",1012615322)
ConvertTo-EpochTime.Converts a DateTime value into an integer Unix (POSIX) time, seconds since Jan 1, 1970.DateTime value '<DateTime>' should return '<Result>'("2022-02-22T22:22:22Z",1645568542)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By day.A daily trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=DAILY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By hour.An hourly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=HOURLY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=1",1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=2",2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=3",3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By minute.A minutely trigger that runs every '<Interval>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=MINUTELY;INTERVAL=5",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("FEB","RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYDAY=28",28,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("feb","RRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;INTERVAL=1;BYMONTH=2;BYSETPOS=-1",null,"lastday")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=-1THU","thu","last")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=1",null,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=13",13,null)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By month.A monthly trigger that runs '<Modifier>' '<Days>' '<Months>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'(null,"RRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=2MON","mon","second")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1",,1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=TU,TH",Tuesday Thursday,1)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2",,2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=2;BYDAY=SU,SA",Saturday Sunday,2)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3",,3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=3;BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR",Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday,3)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5",,5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.By week.A weekly trigger that runs every '<Interval>' on days '<Days>' should include recurrence '<Rule>'("RRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=5;BYDAY=TH","Thursday",5)
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2000-01-01T07:00")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2002-02-20T22:11:33")
ConvertTo-ICalendar.One-time.A one-time trigger at '<DtStart>' should produce a matching DTSTART("2020-02-02T20:02")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2000-01-01")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2002-02-20 02:20:02")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression("2022-02-22 22:20:20")
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(01/16/1980 04:22:03)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(02/06/1970 02:32:48)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(04/09/2024 21:26:58)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(07/02/2036 12:59:56)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(07/23/1999 05:10:15)
ConvertTo-LogParserTimestamp.Formats a datetime as a LogParser literal.Converts '<DateTime>' into a LogParser timestamp expression(09/23/2003 05:08:46)
ConvertTo-MultipartFormData.Creates multipart/form-data to send as a request body.Converts a dictionary of form values to a UTF-8 byte array body(System.Collections.Specialized.OrderedDictionary)
ConvertTo-MultipartFormData.Creates multipart/form-data to send as a request body.Sets header values for content type
ConvertTo-OrderedDictionary.Converts an object to an ordered dictionary of properties and values..Should convert an IO.FileInfo object into a dictionary
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a credential.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using credential '<Name>' : '<Secret>'("$w0rdF1sh","Lorem ipsum dolor","apikey")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a credential.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using credential '<Name>' : '<Secret>'("P@ssw0rd!","Test","user")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided password.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using password '<Secret>'("Lorem ipsum dolor","$w0rdf1sh")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided password.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using password '<Secret>'("Test","P@ssw0rd")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided zero key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using key bytes '<Secret>'("Lorem ipsum dolor",1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1)
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serialize secure strings secured with a provided zero key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using key bytes '<Secret>'("Test",0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0)
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(0,"0")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(1,"1")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(1,"1y")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(15360,"15KB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(16888498602639360000,"15000ulPB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(200,"200uy")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(30720,"30sKB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(3221225472,"3uGB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(4294967296,"4LGB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(61440,"60usKB")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(7,"7")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert '<Value>' into idiomatic numeric literal '<Result>'(9,"9")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals(""2000-01-01T00:00:00"","[datetime]'2000-01-01T00:00:00'")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals(""Don't Panic!"","'Don''t Panic!'")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("7","7L")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("[6,9,42]","@(
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("null","$null")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("{"a":1,"b":2,"c":{"d":"2017-03-22T20:59:31","e":null}}","[pscustomobject]@{
	a = 1L
	b = 2L
	c = [pscustomobject]@{
		d = [datetime]'2017-03-22T20:59:31'
		e = $null
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes complex content into PowerShell literals..Should convert JSON '<Value>' into PowerShell literals("{}","[pscustomobject]@{

ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes secure strings secured with a generated key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using a generated zero key("Lorem ipsum dolor")
ConvertTo-PowerShell.Serializes secure strings secured with a generated key.Should generate PowerShell for secure '<Value>', using a generated zero key("Test")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1,"I")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(10,"X")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(100,"C")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1000,"M")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(11,"XI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(1111,"MCXI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(12,"XII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(13,"XIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(14,"XIV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(15,"XV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(16,"XVI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(17,"XVII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(18,"XVIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(19,"XIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2,"II")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(20,"XX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2020,"MMXX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(2022,"MMXXII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(21,"XXI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(22,"XXII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(23,"XXIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(24,"XXIV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(25,"XXV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(3,"III")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(35,"XXXV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(4,"IV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(45,"XLV")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(46,"XLVI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(47,"XLVII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(48,"XLVIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(49,"XLIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(5,"V")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(50,"L")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(51,"LI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(52,"LII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(6,"VI")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(7,"VII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(8,"VIII")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(9,"IX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(99,"XCIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (ASCII)(999,"CMXCIX")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1,"Ⅰ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(10,"Ⅹ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(100,"Ⅽ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1000,"Ⅿ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(11,"ⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(1111,"ⅯⅭⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(12,"ⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(13,"ⅩⅢ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(14,"ⅩⅣ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(15,"ⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(16,"ⅩⅥ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(17,"ⅩⅦ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(18,"ⅩⅧ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(19,"ⅩⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2,"Ⅱ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(20,"ⅩⅩ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2020,"ⅯⅯⅩⅩ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(2022,"ⅯⅯⅩⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(21,"ⅩⅩⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(22,"ⅩⅩⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(23,"ⅩⅩⅢ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(24,"ⅩⅩⅣ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(25,"ⅩⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(3,"Ⅲ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(35,"ⅩⅩⅩⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(4,"Ⅳ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(45,"ⅩⅬⅤ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(46,"ⅩⅬⅥ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(47,"ⅩⅬⅦ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(48,"ⅩⅬⅧ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(49,"ⅩⅬⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(5,"Ⅴ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(50,"Ⅼ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(51,"ⅬⅠ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(52,"ⅬⅡ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(6,"Ⅵ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(7,"Ⅶ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(8,"Ⅷ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(9,"Ⅸ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(99,"ⅩⅭⅨ")
ConvertTo-RomanNumeral.Convert a number to a Roman numeral.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>' (Unicode)(999,"ⅭⅯⅩⅭⅠⅩ")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("ETA: ½ hour","ETA: &#xBD; hour")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f41b fix bug","&#x1F41B; fix bug")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f4a1 File → Save","&#x1F4A1; File &#x2192; Save")
ConvertTo-SafeEntities.Encode text as XML/HTML, escaping all characters outside 7-bit ASCII.Should convert '<Value>' to '<Result>'("\U0001f9ea new test","&#x1F9EA; new test")
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("0",0,True)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Byte>1</Byte>",1,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<DBNull />",,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<DBNull />",,True)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Int32>0</Int32>",0,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<Int64>2</Int64>",2,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<ObjectArray>
</ObjectArray>",1 2 3,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<PSCustomObject>
</PSCustomObject>",@{UserName=username; Computer=COMPUTERNAME},False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<String>Don&apos;t Panic!</String>","Don't Panic!",False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<UInt64>16888498602639360000</UInt64>",16888498602639360000,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<html>
<p>Some text.</p>
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<item>
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<null />",null,False)
ConvertTo-XmlElements.Serializes complex content into XML elements.Convert '<InputObject>' to '<Result>'("<null />",null,True)
Copy-GitHubLabels.Copies configured issue labels from one repo to another.Should add, update, and delete labels as needed by ReplaceAll mode
Copy-Html.Copies objects as an HTML table.Should copy objects as HTML(  ,"*<tr><th>Id</th><th>Name</th></tr>
<tr><td align="right">1</td><td>First</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">2</td><td>Second</td></tr>
<tr><td align="right">3</td><td>Third</td></tr>
Copy-SchTasks.Copy scheduled jobs from another computer to this one, using a GUI list to choose jobs.Tasks are copied from one system to another
Disable-AnsiColor.Disables ANSI terminal colors.Sets OutputRendering
Enable-AnsiColor.Enables ANSI terminal colors..Sets OutputRendering
Expand-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in the specified string with the string equivalent of the value of the variable, then returns the resulting string.Expands '<String>' to '<Result>'("%CommonProgramFiles%\System\ado","C:\Program Files\Common Files\System\ado")
Expand-EnvironmentVariables.Replaces the name of each environment variable embedded in the specified string with the string equivalent of the value of the variable, then returns the resulting string.Expands '<String>' to '<Result>'("%SystemRoot%\System32\cmd.exe","C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe")
Export-DatabaseScripts.Exports MS SQL database objects from the given server and database as files, into a consistent folder structure.Export scripts
Export-EdgeKeywords.Returns the configured search keywords from an Edge SQLite file.Queries the default Edge SQLLite file
Export-InstalledPackages.Exports the list of packages installed by various tools.Queries the installed packages
Export-Json.Exports a portion of a JSON document, recursively importing references.Given '<InputObject>', selecting '<JsonPointer>' with compressed set to '<Compress>' should return '<Result>'(False,"{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}","/d/a","{
  "b": 1,
  "c": 2
Export-Json.Exports a portion of a JSON document, recursively importing references.Given '<InputObject>', selecting '<JsonPointer>' with compressed set to '<Compress>' should return '<Result>'(True,"{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}","/d/a","{"b":1,"c":{"d":2}}")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the mock Library database generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Library.mmd")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the mock Library database, the table '<Table>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Book","Library.dbo.Book.mmd")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the test database, the schema '<Schema>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("AW.Purchasing.mmd","Purchasing")
Export-MermaidER.Generates a Mermaid entity relation diagram for database tables.From the test database, the table '<Table>' generates the diagram in the '<ResultFile>' data file("Production","AW.Production.Product.mmd","Product")
Export-OpenApiSchema.Extracts a JSON schema from an OpenAPI definition.Exports the request schema from sample schema
Export-OpenApiSchema.Extracts a JSON schema from an OpenAPI definition.Exports the response schema from sample schema
Export-Readme.Builds repo readme documentation.Exports a list of scripts and their status and disposition
Export-SecretVault.Exports secret vault content.Returns the contents of the default vault
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("Department","HumanResources")
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("PhoneNumberType","Person")
Export-TableMerge.Exports table data.Exports AdventureWorks HumanResources.Department table data("ProductModelIllustration","Production")
Find-DatabaseValue.Searches an entire database for a field value.Finds France in [Sales].[SalesTerritory] by country code
Find-DatabaseValue.Searches an entire database for a field value.Finds matching values across several tables
Find-DbColumn.Searches for database columns.Finds price columns in the test database
Find-DbIndexes.Returns indexes using a column with the given name.Finds the ErrorLog ID
Find-DotNetTools.Returns a list of matching dotnet tools.Finds .NET Interactive
Find-DotNetTools.Returns a list of matching dotnet tools.Finds Microsoft packages
Find-InstalledPrograms.Searches installed programs.Finds PowerShell installation
Find-Lines.Searches a specific subset of files for lines matching a pattern.Finds a line
Find-Lines.Searches a specific subset of files for lines matching a pattern.Finds a line and adds blame info
Find-NewestFile.Finds the most recent file.Gets most recent file
Find-ProjectPackages.Find modules used in projects.Finds an installed package
ForEach-Progress.Performs an operation against each item in a collection of input objects, with a progress bar.Displays progress
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("0","0",0,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1","1 B",1,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1.15GB","1.15 GiB",1234567890,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1.1GB","1.1 GiB",1234567890,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1GB","1 GiB",1073741824,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1GB","1 GiB",1234567890,0)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1KB","1 KiB",1024,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1MB","1 MiB",1048576,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1PB","1 PiB",1125899906842624,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("1TB","1 TiB",1099511627776,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("888.18PB","888.18 PiB",999999999999999999,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("9.2MB","9.2 MiB",9685059,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765063822GB","919.824765063822 GiB",987654321000,12)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765063822GB","919.824765063822 GiB",987654321000,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82476506382GB","919.82476506382 GiB",987654321000,11)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8247650638GB","919.8247650638 GiB",987654321000,10)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765064GB","919.824765064 GiB",987654321000,9)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82476506GB","919.82476506 GiB",987654321000,8)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8247651GB","919.8247651 GiB",987654321000,7)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.824765GB","919.824765 GiB",987654321000,6)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82477GB","919.82477 GiB",987654321000,5)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8248GB","919.8248 GiB",987654321000,4)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.825GB","919.825 GiB",987654321000,3)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.82GB","919.82 GiB",987654321000,2)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("919.8GB","919.8 GiB",987654321000,1)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("920GB","920 GiB",987654321000,0)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999","999 B",999,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999GB","999 GiB",1072668082176,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999KB","999 KiB",1022976,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999MB","999 MiB",1047527424,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999PB","999 PiB",1124774006935781376,16)
Format-ByteUnits.Converts bytes to largest possible units, to improve readability.Formatting '<Bytes>', up to '<Precision>' digits after the decimal returns '<Result>', or '<SIResult> for SI'("999TB","999 TiB",1098412116148224,16)
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query old IISW3C logs from IIS 7.0
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query old IISW3C logs from IIS 8.5
Get-IisLog.Query log directory.Should query very old IISW3C logs
Select-CapturesFromMatches.Selects named capture group values as note properties from Select-String MatchInfo objects.Should select name '<Name>' and email '<Email>' from '<InputString>' using '<Regex>'("Arthur Dent [email protected]","^(?<Name>.*?\b)\s*(?<Email>\S+@\S+)$","[email protected]","Arthur Dent")
Select-CapturesFromMatches.Selects named capture group values as note properties from Select-String MatchInfo objects.Should select name '<Name>' and email '<Email>' from '<InputString>' using '<Regex>'("Tricia McMillan <[email protected]>","^(?<Name>.*?\b)\s*<(?<Email>\S+@\S+)>$","[email protected]","Tricia McMillan")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' (following references) from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/*/a/c/*","{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' (following references) from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/d/a/c/d","{d:{a:{b:1,c:{"$ref":"#/d/c"}},c:{d:{"$ref":"#/d/two"}},two:2}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns structure '<Result>' (as JSON)("{"AD~BC":7}","/b/~4~3~2~1]","{"a":1, "b": {"[*?/]": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns structure '<Result>' (as JSON)("{"ZZ/ZZ":{"AD~BC":7}}","/b","{"a":1, "b": {"ZZ/ZZ": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(1,"/a","{a:1}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(2,"/b","{a:1,b:2,c:3}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(3.14,"/","{"":3.14}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(6,"/b/bc","{a:{aa:1,ab:2,ac:3},b:{ba:4,bb:5,bc:6}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(7,"/b/ZZ~1ZZ/AD~0BC","{"a":1, "b": {"ZZ/ZZ": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(7,"/b/~4~3~2~1]/AD~0BC","{"a":1, "b": {"[*?/]": {"AD~BC": 7}}}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"","true")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/*/name","[{name: true, id: false, description: false}]")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/0/name","[{name: true, id: false, description: false}]")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/list/*/name","{list:[{name: true, id: false}]}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/list/0/name","{list:[{name: true, id: false}]}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(True,"/name","{name: true, id: false, description: false}")
Select-Json.Returns a value from a JSON string or file.Selecting '<Pointer>' from '<Json>' returns value '<Result>'(null,"/b","{a:1}")