Releases: stravo1/obsidian-gdrive-sync
What's new?
Added a setting/command to toggle the force-focus behaviour of the plugin. This is to solve both #45 and #75 as it gives the user the choice to control the behaviour. While editing tables, etc. which made obsidian lose focus every-time it synced. Users can toggle on the force-focus to be ON and rest of the times they can keep it disabled.
Full Changelog: 0.9.9-beta-19-fix-1...0.9.9-beta-20
What's Changed
- Bad build with testing code on local machine was published in beta-19 instead of production code. #77
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 0.9.9-beta-19...0.9.9-beta-19-fix-1
Minor fixes
Full Changelog: 0.9.9-beta-17...0.9.9-beta-18
fixes #55
removed legacy buttons "Upload All" and "Download All" because they caused more harm than good.
Full Changelog: v0.9.9-beta-16...v0.9.9-beta-17
fix #52
fix pending-sync issue where ids for names were not being saved
added preliminary troubleshooting tools for fixing the root folder missing error.
fix #42 and made auto fetch binary files opt-out instead of opt-in
add: full auto sync support for non .md
files (such as .canvas
minor fixes:
blacklist settings textarea now has value, previously it was always empty
now refreshAll ignores files in blacklist to avoid downloading/deleting them
deleting files in blacklist deletes them from Drive
ref: #39
v0.9.9-beta-13 : [BREAKING] revamped attachment syncing process
Revamped attachment tracking process.
Attachments now no longer need to have the "-synced" renaming to be tracked. Now a spearate hidden folder named "attachment-tracking-obsidian-gdrive-sync" keeps track of all the attachments.
This might break tracking of previously synced attachments. MAKE SURE TO CREATE A COPY OF THE VAULT BEFORE UPDATING TO THIS RELEASE.
Solved issues referencing: #28, #7 (comment),