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Andrew Manning edited this page Apr 22, 2016 · 17 revisions

Mike wrote on 2016/03/16:

  • Create a tool for file cloning. Unlike regular clone operations, memory limitations require us to provide just the meta-data in the clone sync operation and fetch the file(s) (possibly in chunks) from the hub holding the original. Probably will end up using the zot 'request' message to do the fetch. Will likely need a DB table to manage state, how much has been downloaded etc., and link to a queue to fetch remaining bits.

  • Since photos and files are now merged, remove redundant information from the photo DB table. Captions, mentions, and permissions can all be stored with either the linked "item" or the linked "attach". Be aware that connection photos and things photos are still stored in the photo table and have no linked items or attach structures; but they also don't require permissions, captions, mentions, etc.

  • Provide a mechanism to move files/photos between directories. Harder than it sounds because several different table elements in several different structures need to be changed to maintain consistency.

  • GNU-social federation plugin for UNO.

  • federation plugin for UNO.

  • rework the "like" (dislike, attend, agree, etc.) activities to make a single activity type aligned with the 'react' activity now seen in some corporate projects. Ditto for poke.

  • many folks have abandoned dav and hubzilla webpages because dav doesn't have caldav/carddav and because there is no glitzy UI with preview for building webpages. The former needs to start with a sabre upgrade. The latter probably needs to begin with a visual editor. In the case of webpages, there are lots of editors that can do the job because one can specify HTML as the output format. It's only posts where we have issues with editors because of the poor coverage of our unique style of bbcode. There's a lot more needed but these are places to start.

  • rewrite the "probe" (network discovery) logic to streamline it

  • key revocation (this is a complex topic because your key is integral to your identity). The method under consideration requires your existing key to remain as an identifier - even if it is compromised. A second key is then generated and used for communications. The original key is no longer tied to trust or authentication but is only used to calculate and maintain a consistent identity string