- Python3 is required
- For Needed Packages Run:
pip install networkx pip install argparse
- For Needed Packages Run:
To Set up the environment, run: In Linux Environment:
# Shouldn't need to download, it is included in the repo
wget http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/glpk/glpk-5.0.tar.gz; tar -zxvf glpk-5.0.tar.gz
sudo apt-get install build-essential
# Run from here:
cd glpk-5.0;./configure
cd glpk-5.0; make
cd ..
# Run this if you start from scratch:
git clone https://github.com/Yu-Maryland/ENEE759U.git
Then, download and import auto_schedule.py to the main directory to run.
From the main directory (ENEE759U_final_project), run:
python3 auto_schedule.py -h (or) --help
Example1: To run minimum memory, latency constraint of 8 and area constraint of 4 on rand_DF_s10_1.edgelist:
python3 auto_scheudle.py -f rand_DF_s10_1.edgelist -a 4 -ml 106
Example2: Similarly, to run minimum latency, memory constraint of 150 and area constraint of 4 on rand_DF_s10_1.edgelist:
python3 auto_scheudle.py -f rand_DF_s10_1.edgelist -a 4 -ll 150