These are improvements written down in Notes on my mac
- make text shrink when window is minimized
- on tablet, nav bar overlaps
- have the Any be automatically clicked when nothing is clicked
- displaying minutes in notifications on Mozilla
- loading notifications to show more on notifications page
- footer home page
- price not showing you must fill out for sell page
- current listing titles on my account page
- fix confirm previous buttons (same size) also lower from confirm box
- vertically center Duke Textbook Exchange
- timeline view button vertically centered
- when a user goes back, the word should be resubmitted
- footer on index.php
- buy new price next to existing price
- link to barnes nobles site for book, to earn money
- get duke textbook exchange books on website
- reminder if the book you want shows up
- when selling books, display all possible books and a user can choose one
- have people notified if they request a book not on the market place
- loading when email is being sent