Full demo video here.
A friend and I built a website for Duke students to more easily buy and sell books among each other. Previously, students were using a Facebook group to buy and sell books among students, which was cumbersome and inefficient. Around 1300 students signed up, 450 students had either bought or sold a book and it had over 550 books posted on the website at its peak. A few features we included are:
- Using Google Book API to get book information like ISBN, authors, cover picture, etc by simply typing in the title
- Preloaded Duke classes so people can easily fill in the course information for a book
- A dashboard to track a user's transaction history
- Facebook integration to allow users to share on Facebook the books that they are currently selling on the exchange
- Duke login so only Duke students can login, preventing anyone from buying and selling books on the site
- Detailed email notifications when a user buys or sells
Technologies: PHP, HTML/CSS/Javascript