A simple demo App which mimics Siri up to some point. Remember it is not Siri but it is no joke either thanks to WolframAlpha.
Thanks to Microsoft Cognitive APIs, App can Recognize an image, do OCR and also detect emotion of a person in a image.
And yeah you can also do cat gif search and long tap on a card to copy gif URL to share. To show gifs and images Fresco (by Facebook) is used. More about Fresco here : https://github.com/facebook/fresco
WolframAlpha API : https://developer.wolframalpha.com Microsoft Cognitive APIs : https://www.microsoft.com/cognitive-services/en-us/apis
To access API you need to register as developer and get APP ID (WolframAlpha) and Subscription Key (Microsoft Cognitive APIs). Then update the same in Utils class.
Screenshots :
Happy Coding !!
PS : Fork -> Improve -> Share -> Repeat. Open Source FTW.