This is a typescript definitions file for underscore.js.
This is also hosted on If you found this via DefinitelyTyped use @jbaldwin or open an issue here so I will see the problem, otherwise it might not be noticed ;-)
- Updated to TypeScript v0.9.1.1
- Added _.indexBy, like _.groupBy but used when keys are known to be unique.
- Added _.sample, provides a random sample of elements in a collection.
- Updated to TypeScript v0.9.
- Added Generics Support
- Added _.findWhere, for finding the first element in a list that matches a particular set of keys and values.
- Added _.partial, for partially applying a function without changing its dynamic reference to this.
- The uniq function can now take
array, iterator, context
as the argument list. - The times function now returns the mapped array of iterator results.
Initial version
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