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This repository provides files, directories, and build configuration for a Scala SBT project that can be completely inferred to create a new Scala SBT project with minimal changes.

Scala CI GPLv3 License Issues Pull Requests GitHub Releases

Project Template Facilitates

  • Scala Sbt Project Template.
  • Sbt Assembly Plugin Configuration.
  • Sbt Universal Plugin Configuration.
  • Sbt Publish Configuration.
  • Sbt Scala Format Plugin Configuration.
  • Sbt Jacoco Plugin Configuration.
  • Sbt Custom Publish Configuration.
  • Sbt Git Metadata Generate and Publish Configuration.
  • Sbt GitHub Actions (Scala CI).


  • Sbt SonarQube Plugin Configuration.
  • Sbt Release Plugin Configuration.

Scala Sbt Project Template

Project Tree

├── .github
│   └── workflows
|       └── scala.yml
├── bin
│   └──
├── conf
│   └──
├── project
│   ├──
|   └── plugins.sbt
├── src
|   ├── main
|   │   ├── resources
|   |   |   └── application.conf
|   │   └── scala
|   │       └── com
|   │           └── github
|   │               └── suriyakrishna
|   │                   └── sbt
|   │                       └── template
|   |                           └── MyApplication.scala
|   └── test
|       ├── resources
|       |   └── application-test.conf
|       └── scala
|           └── com
|               └── github
|                   └── suriyakrishna
|                       └── sbt
|                           └── template
|                               └── test
|                                   └── MyApplicationTest.scala
├── .gitignore
├── .scalafmt.conf
└── build.sbt
  • .github/workflows directory holds files related to GitHub workflows.
  • bin directory holds files related to wrapper scripts to execute the application. Subdirectories can be created if needed.
  • conf holds files related to external configurations for the application and scripts. Subdirectories can be created if needed.

Sbt Assembly Plugin Configuration

  • "com.eed3si9n" % "sbt-assembly" % "0.15.0" is the version used in this project.
  • No additional configuration added in build.sbt.
  • Navigate to Sbt Assembly Plugin documentation from here.

Sbt Universal Plugin Configuration

  • "com.typesafe.sbt" % "sbt-native-packager" % "1.7.6" is the version used in this project.
  • Additional configuration to package zip file with bin, conf, and jacoco-report directories has been added in this project.
  • Navigate to Sbt Universal Plugin documentation from here.

Sbt Publish Configuration

  • Additional artifacts such as universal zip package, assembly jar, and git metadata for the build has been configured.
  • Publish Maven Style enabled.
  • Repository Endpoint and credentials for the artifactory has been configured in the build.sbt file and during runtime, credentials will be fetched from the system environment variables ARTIFACTORY_SYS_USER and ARTIFACTORY_SYS_PASSWORD. This can be customized if required.
  • publishConfiguration.value.withOverwrite(true) has been set to true and this can be dynamically handled using ARTIFACTORY_OVERWRITE system environment variable.
  • pomExtra has been configured to add developer details to the published pom.xml.

Sbt Scala Format Plugin Configuration

  • "org.scalameta" % "sbt-scalafmt" % "2.4.6" is the version used in this project.
  • Additional configuration for formatting can be added to .scalafmt.conf file.
  • Navigate to Sbt Scala Format Plugin documentation from here.
  • Sbt Scala Format FAQs.

Sbt Jacoco Plugin Configuration

  • "com.github.sbt" % "sbt-jacoco" % "3.1.0" is the version used in this project.
  • As per documentation, coverage threshold has been set in build.sbt.
  • Navigate to Sbt Jacoco Plugin documentation from here.


  • By default, coverage threshold are set to 0, and this has been overrided in the build.sbt.

Sbt Custom Publish Configuration

  • Two custom publish sbt tasks has been defined in build.sbt.
  • By executing these publish tasks we can perform publish with all the dependent tasks such clean, scalafmtCheckAll, scalafmtSbtCheck, and jacoco with single sbt command.

Sbt customPublishLocal

Task Execution:

sbt customPublishLocal

Task Steps:

clean 🠊 scalafmtCheckAll 🠊 scalafmtSbtCheck 🠊 jacoco 🠊 publishLocal

Sbt customPublish

Task Execution:

sbt customPublish

Task Steps:

clean 🠊 scalafmtCheckAll 🠊 scalafmtSbtCheck 🠊 jacoco 🠊 publish

Sbt Git Metadata Generate and Publish Configuration

  • In order to audit build and release a custom sbt task writeGitMetadata has been configured in build.sbt. This can be customized if required.
  • writeGitMetadata create a new file build.git.metadata in the root of the project. Later, this will be added to artifact during publish.

Content of build.git.metadata:

BUILD USING GIT BRANCH: sbt-publish-config
BUILD DATETIME: 2022-01-19T09:08:58.402
commit 00386ac15316305f585e5f8f37c22cb8de12d45a
Author: Kishan <[email protected]>
Date:   Wed Jan 19 07:01:23 2022 +0530

    Added Resources Folder Main and Test

Sbt GitHub Actions (Scala CI)

Scala CI GitHub action has been configured for the Continuous Integration of this project.

Work Flow Steps:

Git Check Out 🠊 JDK Setup 🠊 SBT Validate .sbt Formatting 🠊 SBT Validate .scala Formatting 🠊 SBT Jacoco Coverage 🠊 SBT Publish