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User Story: nickname

lightb0x edited this page Nov 4, 2019 · 1 revision

Feature : nickname

As a SNUBot user who want to express familiarity whilst reserving anonymity I want to set my nickname So that other users can recognize me easily.


  • Signup button
  • id: Signup-button
  • label: Signup
  • action: send backend user information; If valid, redirect to signin page. If not, inform user what went wrong and stay.
  • Confirm button
  • id: Confirm-button
  • label: Confirm
  • action: send backend user information; If valid, redirect to previous page. If not, inform user what went wrong and stay.
  • Search button
  • id: search-button
  • action: set searchOption and fetch

Form Fields

  • Search Type
  • field label: Search Type
  • field type: drop down
  • field options: name, content, name/content
  • default value: name
  • setting new nickname
  • id: nickname
  • field type: input:text
  • search nickname
  • id: search-keyword
  • field type: input:text

Acceptance test:

1: setting nickname while sign up

  1. at signup page, user can see new nickname form field.
  2. user fills in nickname with one's own.
  3. user clicks Signup-button
  4. If given information is valid, user is directed to Signin page.
  5. If not, user is informed of what went wrong.

2: change nickname

  1. at change-user-information page, user can see nickname form field.
  2. user fills in nickname with one's own.
  3. user clicks Confirm-button
  4. If given information is valid, user is directed to previous page.
  5. If not, user is informed of what went wrong.

3: search by nickname

  1. at hot and all board, user can see nickname dropdown menu.
  2. user clicks nickname from dropdown menu.
  3. user fills in search-keyword with one's nickname.
  4. user clicks search-button.
  5. user can see all and only articles of that nickname.