This project leverages a hyperledger fabric (v2.0) network maintained by hospital to store a medical record of the patient securely with keeping the patient at the center. That means the medical record of any patient cannot be accessed without the consent of his/her. All the participants of the network like doctors, hospitals, pharmacies and private clinics will be given digital certificates by the Offical Medical board of the country to join the network. Doctors will able to perform all the CRUD operations on their patient records.
cd CI docker-compose up -d docker exec -it cli bash cd channel-artifacts && ./ cd $GOPATH/src/chaincode && go mod vendor cd .. && peer lifecycle chaincode package health.tar.gz --label health -p chaincode peer lifecycle chaincode install health.tar.gz export CC_PACKAGE=health:----------64hexdigit number---------- peer lifecycle chaincode approveformyorg -C test -n health --package-id $CC_PACKAGE -v 1.0 -o orderer:7050 --sequence 38
peer lifecycle chaincode commit -C test -n health -v 1.0 -o orderer:7050 --sequence 38
cd explorer docker-compose up -d