If current position is wins or lose to a player. Return inf/-inf
Otherwise, try all possible moves from center of the board. If AI can
win with a move, take that move immediately. If in 5 moves, we find a
way for human to win with a fork attack, we have to prevent it.
Therefore we have to check terminal state with 5 level deep. If we
ensure we will not lose in 5 moves, use heuristic
function to
consider next move to save time.
Find all possible wins from current position by assuming we will occupy the remaining empty cells. From those winning states, count how many cell we had set.
Do the same for opponent and subtract to get heuristic value.
Instead of using 2D list. We use single list as rows of the board and manage column using bitwise operators. We can use single number and go full bitwise but with 9x9 board, it will be 81 bits. Even though python can expand variable bits for us. I just don't like it.
Windows user must install windows-curses
Clicking is supported but might not work properly on Windows . And I don't care.