is a PHP library to make working with money easier! No static properties or methods!
Any number you have passed to the class will automatically prepared to make math operations.
Class uses ,
for thousands and .
for decimals.
Package can be used with any framework or spagetty application. Just mail me if anything goes wrong.
Via Composer
$ composer require sineld/money
Add usecase to the top of your file
use Sineld\Money\Money;
Start using.
Simply copy Money.php in src folder to your project and begin using. No extra dependencies.
For parametres to use with methods.
All in one place:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
use Sineld\Money\Money;
$money = (new Money())
->make($number1) // Create a new Money instance.
->setDecimals(4) // Set decimals size.
->sum($number2) // Add $number2 variable(s) value to the $money
->subtract($number2) // Remove $number2 variable(s) value from the $money
->multiply('3') // Multiply $money with $numbers variable(s) value.
->divide('3') // Divide $money with $numbers variable(s) value.
->addTax(18) // Add $percent variable to the $money with calculated value.
->removeTax(18) // Remove $percent variable to the $money with calculated value.
->setLocaleActive(true) // Enable Locale Usage.
->setLocaleCode('₺ ') // Set Locale Code preference
->setLocalePosition('prefix') // Set Locale Position preference
// ->getTax(); // Return calculated $taxAmount variable.
->get(); // Return $money variable according to the locale usage.
// ->all(); // Return the $money and $taxAmount variables in a array.
Basic Sum Operation:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Basic Sum Operation with Two numbers:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
$number3 = '25,123.45';
$money = (new Money())
->sum($number2, $number3)
// ->sum($number2, $number3, $number4, ...) // add parametres as much as you need
echo $money;
Basic Subtract Operation:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Basic Subtract Operation with Two numbers:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
$number3 = '25,123.45';
$money = (new Money())
->subtract($number2, $number3)
// ->subtract($number2, $number3, $number4, ...) // add parametres as much as you need
echo $money;
Basic Sum and Subtract Operations in one place:
$number1 = '100,123.45';
$number2 = '50,123.45';
$number3 = '25,123.45';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Basic Multiplication and Division Operations in one place:
$number1 = '100';
$number2 = '50';
$number3 = '25';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Basic Tax Operations:
$number1 = '100';
$taxPercent = '18';
$money = (new Money())
// tax added number
echo $money;
$tax = (new Money())
// calculated tax after addtition
echo $tax;
$money = (new Money())
// tax added number and calculated tax together
// var_dump($money);
echo $money['amount'];
echo $money['tax'];
Remove tax percent from money:
$number1 = '236';
$taxPercent = '18';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Remove tax percent from money and add new tax:
$number1 = '236';
$taxPercent1rst = '18';
$taxPercent2nd = '8';
$money = (new Money())
echo $money;
Enable Locale String Output in the Prefix:
$number1 = '100';
$money = (new Money())
->make($number1) // Create a new Money instance.
->setDecimals(4) // Set decimals size.
->setLocaleActive(true) // Enable Locale Usage.
->setLocaleCode('₺ ') // Set Locale Code preference
->setLocalePosition('prefix') // Set Locale Position preference
->get(); // Return $money variable according to the locale usage.
echo $money;
Enable Locale String Output in the Suffix:
$number1 = '100';
$money = (new Money())
->make($number1) // Create a new Money instance.
->setDecimals(4) // Set decimals size.
->setLocaleActive(true) // Enable Locale Usage.
->setLocaleCode(' €') // Set Locale Code preference
->setLocalePosition('suffix') // Set Locale Position preference
->get(); // Return $money variable according to the locale usage.
echo $money;
Please see for details and a todolist.
If you discover any security related issues, please email author email instead of using the issue tracker.
Please see the license file for more information.