Simple node.js linux only(for now) keylogger using events.
It's working exactly as:
I just rewrote it as simple as possible without requiring any modules and using fs.createReadStream instead of
npm install node-keylogger
var Keyboard = require('node-keylogger');
var k = new Keyboard('event0'); // 'event0' is the file corresponding to my keyboard in /dev/input/
k.on('keyup', console.log);
k.on('keydown', console.log);
k.on('keypress', console.log);
k.on('error', console.error);
timeS: 1347572085, // Timestamp ( Seconds part )
timeMS: 741381, // Timestamp ( Microseconds part )
keyCode: 17, // Keyboard code
keyId: 'KEY_W', // Key ID /!\ Qwerty layout !
type: 'keypress', // Event type
dev: 'event2' // Device
Add support for windows
Add support for osx