The Validation data is to make sure that your application is stable and secure. hapi allows this functionality by using the module joi.
- Input validation : validate if query parameters are satisfied the condition, as in example below:
method: 'GET',
path: '/{name}',
handler: function (request, reply) {
reply('Hello ' + + '!');
config: {
validate: {
params: {
name: Joi.string().min(3).max(10)
- Headers validation
- Path parameters validation
- Query parameters validation
- Payload data validation, as example below:
method : 'POST',
path : '/form',
handler : function(req, reply ){
var email =;
reply('My eamil is : '+ email);
config :{
validate : {
payload :{
email : Joi.string().email().required(),
password : Joi.number().integer().required()
is any process by which a system verifies the identity of a User who wishes to access it.
Password encryption
is away to encrypt given password into unreadable characters.
To implement it inside hapi : - install bcrypt and hapi-auth-basic module ```js npm install bcrypt --save npm install hapi-auth-basic --save
const users = {
john: {
username: 'john',
password: '$2a$10$iqJSHD.BGr0E2IxQwYgJmeP3NvhPrXAeLSaGCj6IR/XU5QtjVu5Tm', // 'secret'
name: 'John Doe',
id: '2133d32a'
const validate = function (request, username, password, callback) {
const user = users[username];
if (!user) {
return callback(null, false);
}, user.password, (err, isValid) => {
callback(err, isValid, { id:, name: });
When writing a web application, using cookies is often a necessity. When using hapi, cookies are flexible, safe, and simple
server.state('data', {
ttl: null,
isSecure: true,
isHttpOnly: true,
encoding: 'base64json',
clearInvalid: false, // remove invalid cookies
strictHeader: true // don't allow violations of RFC 6265
config: {
state: {
parse: true, // parse and store in request.state
failAction: 'error' // may also be 'ignore' or 'log'
reply('Hello').state('data', { firstVisit: false });
The Cache-Control header tells the browser and any intermediate cache if a resource is cacheable and for what duration
path: '/hapi/{ttl?}',
method: 'GET',
handler: function (request, reply) {
const response = reply({ be: 'hapi' });
if (request.params.ttl) {
config: {
cache: {
expiresIn: 30 * 1000,
privacy: 'private'