#View the video tutorial playlist
Guide to Creating a Waifu Model using Unity and Blender
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a Waifu model using Unity and Blender. It is broken down into sections for easy navigation.
- Download and Install Unity Hub from the Unity website: https://unity.com/download
- Using Unity Hub Install Unity 2021.3.21f1
- Install the packages for Android, Windows, Mac, and iOS.
- Download and Install Blender 2.9.1 from the Blender website: https://download.blender.org/release/Blender2.91/
- Download the Cats Blender plugin from the Github repository: https://github.com/absolute-quantum/cats-blender-plugin
- Download or clone the WaifuSDK from the Github repository: https://github.com/Waifuverse/WaifuSDK YOU ARE HERE
- Install the Cats plugin in Blender by going to Edit -> Preferences -> Addons -> Install Addons and find the Cats plugin.
- Checkbox the Cats plugin to turn on
- Open the Cats plugin from the right sidebar.
- Import the MMD model by selecting the model file. For this guide, we will be using a classic MMD model: https://www.deviantart.com/thenikamiku/art/Miku1052C-Re0710-MMD-dl-680363108
- In the Cats plugin, go to Settings and Updates and check "Embed Textures on Export".
- Todo: Adding VRM support and conversion script
- Unzip the WaifuSDK folder.
- Open Unity Hub and select the folder you just unzipped. Open the Unity project
- Open the scene "ModdingBasic" make sure you see the height ruler Make a folder for your custom work. Ideally call the folder "Custom Waifus" Make a sub folder for your Waifu. Drag a .fbx file into your new subfolder. Click on the fbx. And look at the model details in the inspector
- Activate read write
- Click on the .fbx file and go to the Rig tab. Change it to humanoid and click apply. Make sure that avatar is created.
- Go to the Materials tab and change the location to "Use External Materials (Legacy)".
- Add your FBX to the scene
- Add the "Copy Components Object" by hitting hte add components button, and typing in "copy" or dragging it form the waifuSDK folder.
- Drag the TemplateWaifu into the object, the template waifu is in the waifuSDK or in the hierarchy.
- Hit the Copy components button
- Press play and test
Press space to play the test audio. The pre generated audio should play. THIS IS NOT WHAT YOUR WAIFU WILL SOUND LIKE. 13. Change the Waifu Info to what you want. 14. todo: Adjust the default voice instrucitons 14. Do any other changes you want, materials, dynamic bones, springbones, dps, ect
Make any adjustments you want, such as changing shaders or adding dynamic bones, magica cloth, or DPS. Please see the list of software that is able to be loaded. You can also suggest new software for the next build in doscrd
Todo: VRM Support from within unity.
- Drag your model you working on form the Hirarchy window on the left to your CustomWaifu folder
- Open Toolbar Waifuverse -> Waifu Export toolbar.
- Click Open Addressable Build Grops Window
- Drag Everything form your folder into the default build group.
- Find your .prefab and label it Waifu
- Build for each platform, all of the red buttons need to be green
- Click Screenshot button to take a screenshot of the Scene window
- Once all buttons are green, go to the build folder, and zip all of them.
- Go to MOD.IO and upload.
- Zip all of the builds.
- Log into Mod.IO or create a new account.
- Go to the Waifuverse Mod.IO.
- Make a mod for your creation.
- Fill out the page. Summary, Screenshot Ect
- Summary should be hte source for the model, what features it has, ect.
- Subscribe to your mod. Public testing
- Open the desktop app
- On PC, hit Tab(capslock in older versions) to bring up the Mod.IO browser. todo:imrpove the UI
- Login to the mod.io, put in code form your email
- Click collections to see your downloads.
- Once all are downloaded hit close mod.
- Press Enter to bring up the mod selection screen.
- To make a local/private mod or quickload for testing, drag the .zip file into the persistent data path below/
C:\Users**{your username here}**\AppData\LocalLow\Waifuverse\AI_Waifu\mod.io\04680\data\mods
Todo: make a button that shows the persistent path.