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Using Nagoya

David Bau edited this page Jun 9, 2023 · 2 revisions

A few tricks for using

Change your home directory

Since the server is in Holyoke, it is physically distant from the /share server. So running with /share/u/[username] as your home directory tends to be very slow. Instead you should mkdir /disk/u/[your-username], which is the local disk on nagoya, and then make a home directory for yourself in that directory.

In my .bashrc I add the following, to use /disk/u/[my-username] as my homedir whenever it is present

# Change homedir on nagoya
if [[ -d /disk/u/$(whoami) ]]
    export HOME=/disk/u/$(whoami)
    echo "Changed HOME to ${HOME}"
    cd ${CHOME}

Use its ip address

The static ip address for nagoya is - sometimes the DNS resolver is flaky.