NewCircle's theme for use with twitter's courseware development kit (CDK). The code example below works on Ubuntu 12.04 and 14.04 LTS. They should work for MacOS as well. I am looking for a volunteer to submit instructions for Windows based cdk authoring environments. vcdk refers to the name of a Python virtual environment. Substitute the name of your virtual environment if different or omit the source line altogether if you do not use a Python virtual environment.
Use these instructions If you do not need to make updates to theme's CSS file.
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd cdk-theme/newcircle
$ source ~/vcdk/bin/activate
(vcdk) $ cdk install
(vcdk) $ cdk --default-theme=newcircle
If you need to modify the theme, install lessc before regenerating the theme by calling make. The Makefile contains calls to lessc.
$ git clone
$ cd cdk-theme/newcircle
$ source ~/vcdk/bin/activate
(vcdk) $ make purge install
If this is your first time installing the newcircle theme, set it as the default theme as well.
(vcdk) $ cdk --default-theme=newcircle
This project uses lessc to reduce the size of css files.
sudo apt-get install lessc
Note, if you intend to develop using NodeJS on Ubuntu 14.04, you should review the posts on Stack Overflow describing the differences in the NodeJS versions available. This README file assumes one just wants a copy of lessc on the command line.
sudo apt-get install nodejs-legacy
sudo npm install -g npm # update npm
sudo npm install -g less less-plugin-clean-css
Please submit if you have a solution.
The easiest way is to use a package manager such as HomeBrew
$ brew install npm
$ npm install --global less
Make sure that the /usr/local/bin/ directory is in your PATH, or equivalent, before running the make install command.