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Merge pull request #80 from thibautjombart/incidence_plot
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samclifford authored May 20, 2020
2 parents 551a4ee + 04f1e75 commit 2eb5995
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Showing 28 changed files with 1,161 additions and 219 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions app/R/custom_graphics.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -60,3 +60,7 @@ cmmid_pal <- function(n){
colorRampPalette(colors = c("#388a68","#0D5257"))(n)


my_palette <- c(Unreported = scales::alpha(cmmid_color, 0.5),
Reported = cmmid_color,
Projected = "#00AEC7")
7 changes: 7 additions & 0 deletions app/R/dhlabel.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
dhlabel <- function(x){
if (x == 1){
} else {
256 changes: 256 additions & 0 deletions app/R/gamma_q2shapescale.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
gamma_q2shapescale <- function(q, p=c(0.025,0.975),
precision=0.001, derivative.epsilon=1e-3, start.with.normal.approx=T, start=c(1.1, 1.1), plot=F, plot.xlim=numeric(0))
# Version 1.0.2 (December 2012)
# Function developed by
# Lawrence Joseph and Patrick Bélisle
# Division of Clinical Epidemiology
# Montreal General Hospital
# Montreal, Qc, Can
# [email protected]
# Please refer to our webpage for details on each argument.

f <- function(x, theta){dgamma(x, shape=theta[1], rate=theta[2])}
F.inv <- function(x, theta){qgamma(x, shape=theta[1], rate=theta[2])}
f.cum <- function(x, theta){pgamma(x, shape=theta[1], rate=theta[2])}
f.mode <- function(theta){shape <- theta[1]; rate <- theta[2]; mode <- ifelse(shape>1,(shape-1)/rate,NA); mode}
theta.from.moments <- function(m, v){shape <- m*m/v; rate <- m/v; c(shape, rate)}
dens.label <- 'dgamma'
parms.names <- c('shape', 'rate')

if (length(p) != 2) stop("Vector of probabilities p must be of length 2.")
if (length(q) != 2) stop("Vector of quantiles q must be of length 2.")
p <- sort(p); q <- sort(q)


print.area.text <- function(p, p.check, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, theta, mode, cex, plot.xlim, M=30, M0=50)
par.usr <- par('usr')
par.din <- par('din')

p.string <- as.character(round(c(0,1) + c(1,-1)*p.check, digits=4))
str.width <- strwidth(p.string, cex=cex)
str.height <- strheight("0", cex=cex)

J <- matrix(1, nrow=M0, ncol=1)

x.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(1,2)])/par.din[1]
y.units.1in <- diff(par.usr[c(3,4)])/par.din[2]
aspect.ratio <- y.units.1in/x.units.1in

# --- left area -----------------------------------------------------------

scatter.xlim <- c(max(plot.xlim[1], par.usr[1]), q[1])
scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))

grid.df <- f(x, theta)

# Estimate mass center
tmp.p <- seq(from=0, to=p[1], length=M0)
tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
h <- f(tmp.x, theta) <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-1]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))

# Identify points under the curve
# (to eliminate them from the list of candidates)
gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# Eliminate points to the right of the mode, if any
w <- which(x>mode)
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# Eliminate points for which the text would fall out of the plot area
w <- which((par.usr[1]+str.width[1]) <= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]

# For each height, eliminate the closest point to the curve
# (we want to stay away from the curve to preserve readability)
w <- which(!duplicated(y, fromLast=T))
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# For each point, compute distance from mass center and pick the closest point
d <- (([1])^2) + (([2])/aspect.ratio)^2
w <- which.min(d)
x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]

if (length(x))
text(x, y, labels=p.string[1], adj=c(1,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
text(plot.xlim[1], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[1], col='gray', cex=cex, srt=90, adj=c(1,0))

# --- right area ----------------------------------------------------------

scatter.xlim <- c(q[2], plot.xlim[2])
scatter.ylim <- c(0, par.usr[4])
x <- seq(from=scatter.xlim[1], to=scatter.xlim[2], length=M)
y <- seq(from=scatter.ylim[1], to=scatter.ylim[2], length=M)
x.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), M)
y.grid.index <- rep(seq(M), rep(M, M))
grid.df <- f(x, theta)

# Estimate mass center
tmp.p <- seq(from=p[2], to=f.cum(plot.xlim[2], theta), length=M0)
tmp.x <- F.inv(tmp.p, theta)
h <- f(tmp.x, theta) <- c(mean(tmp.x), sum(h[-length(h)]*diff(tmp.x))/diff(range(tmp.x)))

# Identify points under the curve
# (to eliminate them from the list of candidates)
gridpoint.under.the.curve <- y[y.grid.index] <= grid.df[x.grid.index]
w <- which(gridpoint.under.the.curve)
x <- x[x.grid.index]; y <- y[y.grid.index]
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# Eliminate points to the left of the mode, if any
w <- which(x<mode)
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# Eliminate points for which the text would fall out of the plot area
w <- which((par.usr[2]-str.width[2]) >= x & (y + str.height) <= par.usr[4])
x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]

# For each height, eliminate the closest point to the curve
# (we want to stay away from the curve to preserve readability)
w <- which(!duplicated(y))
if (length(w)){x <- x[-w]; y <- y[-w]}

# For each point, compute distance from mass center and pick the closest point
d <- (([1])^2) + (([2])/aspect.ratio)^2
w <- which.min(d)
x <- x[w]; y <- y[w]

if (length(x))
text(x, y, labels=p.string[2], adj=c(0,0), col='gray', cex=cex)
text(plot.xlim[2], mean(par.usr[c(3,4)]), labels=p.string[2], col='gray', cex=cex, srt=-90, adj=c(1,0))

# ......................................................................................................................................

Newton.Raphson <- function(derivative.epsilon, precision, f.cum, p, q, theta.from.moments, start.with.normal.approx, start)
Hessian <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)

if (start.with.normal.approx)
# Probably not a very good universal choice, but proved good in most cases in practice
m <- diff(q)/diff(p)*(0.5-p[1]) + q[1]
v <- (diff(q)/diff(qnorm(p)))^2
theta <- theta.from.moments(m, v)
else theta <- start

change <- precision + 1
niter <- 0
# Newton-Raphson multivariate algorithm
while (max(abs(change)) > precision)
Hessian[,1] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta - c(derivative.epsilon, 0))) / derivative.epsilon
Hessian[,2] <- (f.cum(q, theta) - f.cum(q, theta - c(0, derivative.epsilon))) / derivative.epsilon

f <- f.cum(q, theta) - p
change <- solve(Hessian) %*% f
last.theta <- theta
theta <- last.theta - change

# If we step out of limits, reduce change

if (any(theta<0))
k <- min(last.theta/change)
theta <- last.theta - k/2*change

niter <- niter + 1

list(theta=as.vector(theta), niter=niter, last.change=as.vector(change))

# ...............................................................................................................

plot.density <- function(p, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, mode, theta, plot.xlim, dens.label, parms.names, cex)
if (length(plot.xlim) == 0)
plot.xlim <- F.inv(c(0, 1), theta)

if (is.infinite(plot.xlim[1]))
tmp <- min(c(0.001, p[1]/10))
plot.xlim[1] <- F.inv(tmp, theta)

if (is.infinite(plot.xlim[2]))
tmp <- max(c(0.999, 1 - (1-p[2])/10))
plot.xlim[2] <- F.inv(tmp, theta)
plot.xlim <- sort(plot.xlim)

x <- seq(from=min(plot.xlim), to=max(plot.xlim), length=1000)
h <- f(x, theta)
x0 <- x; f0 <- h
ylab <- paste(c(dens.label, '(x, ', parms.names[1], ' = ', round(theta[1], digits=5), ', ', parms.names[2], ' = ', round(theta[2], digits=5), ')'), collapse='')
plot(x, h, type='l', ylab=ylab)

# fill in area on the left side of the distribution
x <- seq(from=plot.xlim[1], to=q[1], length=1000)
y <- f(x, theta)
x <- c(x, q[1], plot.xlim[1]); y <- c(y, 0, 0)
polygon(x, y, col='lightgrey', border='lightgray')
# fill in area on the right side of the distribution
x <- seq(from=max(plot.xlim), to=q[2], length=1000)
y <- f(x, theta)
x <- c(x, q[2], plot.xlim[2]); y <- c(y, 0, 0)
polygon(x, y, col='lightgrey', border='lightgray')
# draw distrn again
points(x0, f0, type='l')
h <- f(q, theta)
points(rep(q[1], 2), c(0, h[1]), type='l', col='orange')
points(rep(q[2], 2), c(0, h[2]), type='l', col='orange')
# place text on both ends areas
print.area.text(p, p.check, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, theta, mode, cex, plot.xlim)

xaxp <- par("xaxp")
x.ticks <- seq(from=xaxp[1], to=xaxp[2], length=xaxp[3]+1)
q2print <- as.double(setdiff(as.character(q), as.character(x.ticks)))

mtext(q2print, side=1, col='orange', at=q2print, cex=0.6, line=2.1)
points(q, rep(par('usr')[3]+0.15*par('cxy')[2], 2), pch=17, col='orange')


parms <- Newton.Raphson(derivative.epsilon, precision, f.cum, p, q, theta.from.moments, start.with.normal.approx, start=start)
p.check <- f.cum(q, parms$theta)

if (plot) plot.density(p, q, f, f.cum, F.inv, f.mode(parms$theta), parms$theta, plot.xlim, dens.label, parms.names, 0.8)

list(shape=parms$theta[1], rate=parms$theta[2], scale=1/parms$theta[2], last.change=parms$last.change, niter=parms$niter, q=q, p=p, p.check=p.check)
50 changes: 39 additions & 11 deletions app/R/los_distributions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -29,44 +29,72 @@ weibull_mucv2shapescale <- function(mean, cv){
## we want to avoid having 0 days LoS, so what we do is actually:
## - generate a discretised Gamma with (mean - 1)
## - add 1 to simulated LoS
los_dist <- function(distribution = "gamma", mean, cv) {
los_dist <- function(distribution = "gamma", q) {

if (distribution == "gamma"){
params <- epitrix::gamma_mucv2shapescale(mean - 1, cv)
if (all(q == min(q))){
params <- epitrix::gamma_mucv2shapescale(mu = min(q), cv = 1e-08)
} else {
params <- gamma_q2shapescale(q, p = c(0.25, 0.75))
auxil <- distcrete::distcrete("gamma",
shape = params$shape,
scale = params$scale,
w = 0.5, interval = 1)
r <- function(n) auxil$r(n) + 1
r <- function(n) auxil$r(n)
d <- function(x) {
out <- auxil$d(x - 1)
out[x < 1] <- 0
out <- auxil$d(x)
#out[x < 1] <- 0
q <- function(x) {
1 + auxil$q(x)

if (distribution == "weibull"){

if (all(q == min(q))){
params <- list(shape = Inf, scale = min(q))
} else {
params <- weibull_q2shapescale(q, p = c(0.25, 0.75))

params <- weibull_mucv2shapescale(mean, cv)
auxil <- distcrete::distcrete(distribution,
shape = params$shape,
scale = params$scale,
w = 0.5, interval = 1)

r <- function(n) auxil$r(n)
r <- function(n) auxil$r(n)
d <- function(x) {
out <- auxil$d(x)
#out[x < 1] <- 0
q <- function(x) {


list(r = r, d = d, q = q)

los_params <- function(distribution = "gamma", q) {

if (all(q == min(q))){
params <- epitrix::gamma_mucv2shapescale(mu = min(q), cv = 1e-08)
} else {
params <- gamma_q2shapescale(q, p = c(0.25, 0.75))

if (distribution == "weibull"){
if (all(q == min(q))){
params <- list(shape = Inf, scale = min(q))
} else {
params <- weibull_q2shapescale(q, p = c(0.25, 0.75))

32 changes: 22 additions & 10 deletions app/R/make_los_parameters.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,19 +1,31 @@

los_parameters <-
what = rbind,
args = list(
`Custom` =
data.frame(mean_los = 7,
cv_los = 0.1,
los_dist = "gamma"),
`Rees and Nightingale et al. non-critical care` =
data.frame(los_25 = 3,
los_75 = 9,
los_dist = "weibull"),
`Rees and Nightingale et al. critical care` =
data.frame(los_25 = 4,
los_75 = 11,
los_dist = "weibull"),
`Zhou et al. non-critical care` =
data.frame(mean_los = 11.52095,
cv_los = 0.5227232,
data.frame(los_25 = 7,
los_75 = 14,
los_dist = "weibull"),
`Zhou et al. critical care` =
data.frame(mean_los = 8.862269,
cv_los = 0.5227232,
los_dist = "weibull")
data.frame(los_25 = 4,
los_75 = 12,
los_dist = "weibull"),
`Custom` =
data.frame(los_25 = 5,
los_75 = 13,
los_dist = "gamma")

los_parameters$name <- rownames(los_parameters)

los_parameters$name <- rownames(los_parameters)
los_parameters$los_dist <- as.character(los_parameters$los_dist)

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