mkmf2 is a tool to create files based on fortran module depenencies.
- mkmf2 is a Python script
- mkmf2 does not rely on any external programs that are not "commonly" available on target operating systems.
- mkmf2 searches only the directory given for dependencies, ignoring subdirectories unless a -R --recursive option is given.
- mkmf2 has an option (-l, --lib-name) to name the final library
- mkmf2 ignores all CPP macros when building the dependency tree
- mkmfs ignores all #include/include statements that include a file not in the given directory/search path(s)
- mkmf2 has a -v,--verbose option that clearly prints what the program is doing. There is also a -vv/--very-verbose option
- Source is (hopefully) clearly documented, including in-code comments, user documentation, etc., especially when the code may be unclear to another developer (e.g. when using complicated regular expressions).
- mkmf2 has a -h/--help option to give a brief overview of options available.
- mkmf2 works on *nix operating systems (including Mac OS X).