- 3D
- WebGL vs SVG
- scatter-gl
- Scatterplot Tour
- Scatterplot tour using the Palmer Penguins
- Solution
- Only two cells needed to change.
- Detail instructions
Picking up from week 11
Demos above allowed us to start seeing the performance limitations of DOM manipulation.
- WebGL API -- MDN
- WebGL is a JavaScript API for rendering high-performance interactive 3D and 2D graphics.
- It uses HTML5
elements -- without plugins -- in any compatible web browser. - In particular, the user's device must have supporting hardware (Graphical Processing Unit = GPU).
- WebGL closely conforms to OpenGL ES 2.0
- WebGL programs consist of control code (JavaScript) and special effects code (shader code) executed on a GPU.
- WebGL elements can be mixed with other HTML elements.
- WebGL Tutorial -- MDN
- The tutorial has some good background links, including this one on OpenGL...
- An Introduction to OpenGL
- For example
- MDN WebGL Demo #2 -- tmcw notebook
- Hello, Fragment Shader -- mbostock notebook
- Hello, WebGL -- mbostock block (circa 2013)
- This introductory tutorial demonstrates how to use the WebGL API.
- Notice the amount of work you need to do simply for setup.
Three.js makes WebGL usable.
Deck.gl is a relative newcomer.
- Deck.gl
- Deck.gl -- github
- Degk.gl tutorials -- observable notebooks
Scatter-GL is an interactive 3D / 2D webgl-accelerated scatter plot point renderer.
- It's the core functionality behind Google's Embedding projector
- It's built with Three.js
- scatter-gl -- github
- To run the demo
Browse to http://localhost:8080cd ~/Sites/scatter-gl yarn yarn demo
- Note the CDN install for a web page
- For Observable...
- Get the version number and dependency in
-- 0.0.11 for scatter-gl and 0.125 for three.js- See the issue raised on Observable talk
- The issue: Introduction to require -- observable
- Links to good resources at the bottom of this notebook
- See especially "Requiring stubborn add-ons"
- The solution: ScatterGL npm
- Load the library
ScatterGL = { const { ScatterGL } = await require.alias({ THREE: "[email protected]/build/three.min.js" })("[email protected]"); return ScatterGL; }
- Render some dots
{ const points = Array(100) .fill() .map(e => [Math.random() * 100, Math.random() * 100, Math.random() * 100]); const containerElement = DOM.element('div'); containerElement.style.height = "500px"; yield containerElement; const dataset = new ScatterGL.Dataset(points); const scatterGL = new ScatterGL(containerElement); scatterGL.render(dataset); }
- QUESTION #1: What can you say about performance from this demo?
- QUESTION #2: What happens when you run the render cell many times in rapid succession?
- Hint: How to dispose of objects
- Compare with Hello, Three.js!
- Get the version number and dependency in
Visualize the Palmer Penguins with Scatter-GL (use default colors).
Color the penguins by species
Get the color to turn black on hover