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Cristian Bara edited this page Jul 8, 2013 · 2 revisions
  • Reference name: BookingPlugin
  • Code source:
  • Compiled Source: bookingplugin.js


  • Generates booking widgets for concepts that refer to Good Relation entries.
  • It has a maximum size of 600px X 350px
  • The expanded widget consists of a composition of maximum 3 tabs, that describe the business basic information, price and other details of the offer, a rout map to the business location


  • LDPlugin

Web API connections

  • This plugin reacts to annotations that contain in their resource fields Good Relations entity URIs.


  • Simple widget composed of: a button with a pink background, gift icon and the label string value.
    • simple booking widget
  • Expanded widget composed by a information tile and a menu tile
    • expanded booking widget
    • expanded booking widget
    • expanded booking widget


  • This plugin will attach the rendering logic of the widgets in the becomeActive event handler of each annotation that contains a Good Relation URI in its resource field.

Mouse interaction

  • Each simple widget is active to 'click' events and will trigger a modal window with additional information .
  • Expanded widgets close when 'clicking' the close (X) icon at the top left hand side of the expanded widget

Touch interaction

  • Each simple widget is active to 'tap' events and will trigger a modal window with additional information
  • Expanded widgets close when 'tapping' the close (X) icon at the top left hand side of the expanded widget

Google TV remote control interaction

  • Each simple widget binds activate events to 'OK' events and will trigger a widget expansion
  • Expanded widgets close when pressing the 'BACK' button