2.0 alpha version is out
This is not a full list of changes, only key notes about the changes and important info
- There are a lot of breaking changes. Project literally has been made from scratch
- IRazorLight interface is still there. There is no "Parse" method. Use "CompileRenderAsync" instead (method names might change in future releases)
- EngineFactory no longer static
- No IEngineConfiguration yet.
- No MVC version with @Inject yet.
- No ViewStarts yet
- FileSystem templates are not tracked and therefore are not invalidated from cache yet when you change them
- No string caching (Most people used it to for templates that are taken from database. Recommended approach is to create custom RazorLightProject class that will load your templates from database. That's all you need and this way, your templates will be cached). I will create a sample tomorrow with EntityFramework and NpgSql
So what is implemented?
- Basic Razor support
- Model
- Layout,
- Sections
- Caching