What's new
- #123 Template now shares model with layout.
- #107 Embedded project can now accept Assembly + root namespace as a string, instead of Type of root object
- #152 Allow FileSystemProject to set Extension ( @KorsG )
- #180 Add ability to exclude assemblies from metadata references ( @mscrivo )
- #278 Add netcore 3.0 support ( @gjunge )
Bug fixes:
- #103 - Fixed race condition compilation bug
- #134 - Fixed rendering issues with included templates
- #135 - Fixed ViewBag doesn't work in nested templates (@deckertron9000)
- #141, #147, #133 - Resolve MetadataReferences without using DependencyContext on Full .NET Framework (@colinbull )
- #153 - Fixed MemoryCachingProvider file naming (@KorsG )
- @Raw() will not throw NullReferenceException on null or empty value (@ReinisV1 )
Breaking changes
- EngineFactory will trigger build error. Marked completely Obsolette. Use RazorLightEngineBuilder instead
- When template you want to render does not exist, TemplateNotFoundException will be throws instead of InvalidOperationException