For a while, I wanted to implement new features and improvements, but the extension's architecture was too simple for more complex changes. Originally it was made in a short time to relieve a pain I had from switching from BitBucket to GitLab. As extension gained more and more users, I received a lot of great and valuable feedback. Now I finally found some time to implement it. Architecture still requires some work, but the extension is in the releasable state. So what improvements are coming with new 1.0.0 release?
Faster setup
Waiting 3 seconds for the extension to load is history. Bootstrap was reimplemented, and now it’s blazing fast.
Gain more pixels
You can now hide the extension and gain additional pixels. If you have only one file changed, the extension will be hidden by default (#8), and you can change the width of extension in settings (#14).
Sort files
In a brand new settings modal window you can find an option to sort files by their extension.
Turning the extension off
Turn extension off and search across the changes (#1).
Other improvements
Empty folders are now combined for a better experience of (mainly) Java developers (#15). Long file names won’t break UI or accessibility. The extension takes full browser width on latest GitLab (#17 #16) and so on.
Lastly, I would like to thank everyone who filled some issue or send some feedback, you're making this extension better for everyone. I also received many kind words, thank you for that!