This is an hotel manament system using python 3. i have used mysql as server, pil, imagetk and tkinter modules for gui.
#Fumctions/Features: -The first page is login page, you can create an account and or login existing account. -User will be greated with a menu window containing food items and price list. -Room selection page with rooms options, food selection option will be next. -Receipt generation is next window with option to pay using -Net Banking , -Paypal, -Creadit card, -Debit card, -Payment gateway is next with no strict checking in requred payment feild,no matter what you fill in the information for payment, it will success and reciept is generated with a random payment id.
Made and Tested on linux, everything working fine. Commands for troubleshooting (Module not found on linux) Sudo apt install python3-tk, sudo apt install python3-tk, sudo apt install pymysql, apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev, sudo apt-get install python3-pymysql.