Framework to inject faults into netlists.
The Yosys pass addFi
changes a design by inserting additional logic to
selected cells and forwards control signals to the top-level module.
Yosys, together with with the development files must be installed.
To create the module the binary yosys-config
must be available.
This module uses current features of Yosys.
Installation from a recent source is advisable.
The preferred compiler for Yosys is Clang.
Tested with:
$ yosys --version
Yosys 0.9+4274 (git sha1 e6dd4db0a, clang 12.0.1 -fPIC -Os)
In order to create the Yosys module run:
$ make yosys
The output can be found in 'build/'.
To use the addFi
pass Yosys must be told where to find it first.
Start Yosys with the path to the shared object.
$ yosys -m build/
Now Yosys will know the additional command addFi
Print the help of the command:
yosys> help addFi
An example flow could look similar to this:
yosys> read_verilog -sv
yosys> hierarchy -check -top top
yosys> proc
yosys> opt
yosys> addFi
yosys> clean
To show more information about what is happening, print the debug messages:
yosys> debug addFi
A few simple SystemVerilog test cases exists to investigate and visualize
the behaviour of addFi
There is no check for correctness.
If there is an error in the addFi
pass it might however create a failure
when running the tests.
Run all tests with
$ make test
Call a specific test
$ make flipflop_orig
For each test various output files are created and stored in the build
- Verilog file after inserting the fault injection logic
- Graph of the top-level module (can be viewed with 'xdot')
- Log output from Yosys
To further investigate a specific test (or all) the variable YOSYS_SHELL
be set to start a Yosys shell after the run instead of creating the log output
$ make flipflop_orig_opt YOSYS_SHELL=1
After the design was altered by Yosys the next step is to make use of the fault
When using Verilator the class FaultInjection
provides support to utilizes
this in a simulation.
Verilator must be installed. To run the simulation example version 4.200 or higher must be used. Tested with:
$ verilator --version
Verilator 4.211 devel rev v4.210-70-gc69ddc46f
Create an instance of FaultInjection
and set the length of the fault
injection bus. Configure the mode, by either setting it directly or by parsing
command line arguments. Call UpdateInsert()
in each clock cycle and provide a
pointer to the fault injection signal.
This could look roughly like this:
FaultInjection fi(100); // Fault bus length 100
fi.SetModePrecise(40, 50); // Fault in cycle 40 and bit 50
while() {
top->clk = !top->clk;
if (top->clk) {
fi.UpdateInsert(top->fi_combined); // Pointer to fault injection bus
Two examples are provided.
A minimal usage of FaultInjection
is provided in example/simple
In example/full
all features of FaultInjection
are shown.
Run all examples with
$ make example_verilator
This will create the addFi
Yosys pass, modify the design, build and run the
simulation for each example.