- Javascript based survival game where the player must collect wood to keep the fire going while dodging the skull of Elon Musk
Spec: Fire object contains a 'life' property which runs out and ends the program
- Input: N/A
- Output: Countdown from 30
Spec: Player object has a position property which determines its starting position
- Input: N/A
- Output: Player starts next to fire
Spec: W, A, S, and D keys determine movement
- Input: W, A, S, D Key
- Output: Player moves one pixel per millisecond in the direction represented by the letter
Spec: Player cannot move off screen
- Input: Player moves to edges of playing field
- Output: Player cannot continue moving in that direction
Spec: Multiple arrow keys can be pressed at once
- Input: W + A Key
- Output: Player moves one pixel per millisecond in EACH direction, resulting in diagonal movement
Spec: Trees spawn randomly on the page
- Input: N/A
- Output: Trees choose random spots on the page and appear at the beginning of the game, or 8 seconds after a tree is chopped down while the number of trees is less than 13
Spec: Shift collects/uses wood
- Input: Shift Key
- Output: If the player is over a tree, tree will be cut down, and player will gain 1 wood
- Output: If the player is over the fire, and has 10 wood, 7 seconds will be added to the timer and 10 wood will be subtracted
- Any other conditions will result in no output
Spec: Skull follows the player
- Input: N/A
- Output: Skull determines difference in position between itself and player, and moves in the player's direction
Spec: Skull gets huge at 10 seconds remaining
- Input: Idling for 20 seconds
- Output: Skull flashes red and gets big
Spec: Buttons bring user from main/end screen to beginning of game
- Input: Click on 'play' or 'continue' button
- Output: Initializes the game
Spec: Title links to main page
- Input: Click on 'Skelerun'
- Output: Refreshes the page
Clone from https://github.com/travisty12/starspawn to your machine
Open in browser
Read on screen instructions to play
View (glitchy) live site at https://travisty12.github.io/starspawn/ and play
- Extra trees may spawn if the player restarts too quickly after the game ends
- GitHub Pages version plays the music unreliably, or layers multiple audio tracks over each other
- Please contact the authors if additional bugs are found!
- The authors' GitHubs are linked at the bottom of the main page
- HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, and Bootstrap were used.
- The player appears to turn and move with changing gifs based on direction
- Different audio tracks play based on the current situation
This software is licensed under the GPL License
Copyright (c) 2019 Starspawn [Jared Farkas, Ryan McLean, Drew Yoxsimer, Travis Toal, Randee Layosa]