This batch script provides functionality to manage save files for a game named "HoloCure" on a Windows system. It allows users to copy save files from their computer, load save files to their computer, and open the local directory where the save files are stored.
Copy Save file:
- Select option 1 from the menu to copy the save files from the local directory to a new folder with a timestamp in the same directory as the script.
- This option creates a backup of the current save files in a new folder.
Load Save File:
- Select option 2 from the menu to load save files from a specified folder to the local directory.
- If a previous save exists, the script will ask to rename it with a backup folder named "HoloCure-Old. at local directory"
- If a Holocure-Old folder exist, the script will ask to delete HoloCure-Old folder and rename the exist Holocure folder to HoloCure-Old
- You need to drag and drop the folder containing the save file into the console to choose which save you want to load.
Open Local Folder:
- Select option 3 from the menu to open the local directory where the save files are stored in File Explorer.
- Download HoloCure-copy-script.bat in release.
- Follow the on-screen menu to choose the desired action (copy save, load save, or open folder).
- The script will provide prompts for user input and perform the selected action accordingly.
- Ensure proper backup of save files before performing any operations, especially when replacing existing saves.