This repository contains experiments for article: Deep Bayesian Semi-Supervised Active Learning for Sequence Labelling.
Install environment and activate it
conda env update & source activate deep-bayes-active-semisup
Download Glove embeddings and store it in:
Run experiment
- BI-LSTM-FCN - experiment with unlimited number of tokens
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_unlimited NER
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_unlimited POS
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_unlimited CHUNK
- BI-LSTM-FCN - experiment with limited number of tokens
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_limited NER
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_limited POS
python -u experiments/bilstm_fcn_limited CHUNK
- BI-LSTM-CRF - experiment with unlimited number of tokens
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_unlimited NER
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_unlimited POS
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_unlimited CHUNK
- BI-LSTM-CRF - experiment with limited number of tokens
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_limited NER
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_limited POS
python -u experiments/bilstm_crf_limited CHUNK