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epubpaginator is a Python script that generates pagination for ePub books. epubpaginator makes a copy of the input epub file and modifies that copy to contain pagination information.


  • For ePub3 files, epubpaginator can generate a page-list table in the navigation document, and corresponding page links in the epub text.
  • epubpaginator can generate "pagelines"--information lines in the text of an ePub2 or ePub3 document. These are placed after the paragraph where the page break occurs and are formatted as separate paragraphs in the book.
  • epubpaginator can generate page information notes formatted as superscripts in the text of an ePub2 or ePub3 document. These superscripts are placed after the word where the page break occurs.
  • If an ePub3 document has existing pagination, epubpaginator can match the pagelines or superscripts to the existing pagination. This allows you to see the publisher's page numbering in epub readers that do not support epub3 page-list.
  • Font size, color and alignment (right, left, or center) are selectable for pagelines.
  • Font size and color are selectable for superscripts.
  • Pagelines and superscripts may optionally show total page counts for the book and the current chapter.
  • For ebooks without existing pagination, the page size may be defined by specifying words per page, or by specifying total pages for the book in which case words per page is calculated by dividing the book word count by the total pages specified.


  1. Python 3.7 or greater.
  2. Optional epubcheck module--see below.
  3. Optional Calibre ebook-convert--see below.


  1. Download and unzip to your chosen location.


epubpaginator is a command-line tool that can be configured with command line options, or by referencing a configuration file. The configuration file is in json format. Common mistakes include the specification of booleans (json uses 'true' and 'false' not True and False as Python does) and paths (for paths, use '/' as the directory separator, not '\' as expected on Windows).

Download the zip file from Github and unzip into a directory of your choice. From that directory, run:

python --help

to see the help message:

./ --help
usage: [-h] [-c CFG] [--outdir OUTDIR] [--match]
                        [--genplist] [--pgwords PGWORDS] [--pages PAGES]
                        [--pageline] [--pl_align {right,left,center}]
                        [--pl_color {red,blue,green,none}]
                        [--pl_bkt {<,(,none}] [--pl_fntsz PL_FNTSZ]
                        [--pl_pgtot] [--superscript]
                        [--super_color {red,blue,green,none}]
                        [--super_fntsz SUPER_FNTSZ] [--super_total]
                        [--chap_pgtot] [--chap_bkt {<,(,none}]
                        [--epubcheck EPUBCHECK] [--chk_paged] [--chk_orig]
                        [--ebookconvert EBOOKCONVERT] [--DEBUG]

Paginate ePub file.

positional arguments:
  ePub_file             The ePub file to be paginated.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -c CFG, --cfg CFG     configuration file
  --outdir OUTDIR       location for output ePub files
  --match               If pagination exists, match it.
  --genplist            If no pagination generate the navigation page list
                        and page links
  --pgwords PGWORDS     define words per page; if 0, use pages
  --pages PAGES         if = 0 use pgwords; else pgwords=(wordcount/pages)
  --pageline            generate and insert page pagelinesinto the ePub text
  --pl_align {right,left,center}
                        'right', 'left', 'center' or 'endp'; specify alignment of the
                        pageline. If 'endp' page information is placed directly
                        after paragraph end with no new line.
  --pl_color {red,blue,green,none}
                        html color for the inserted pageline
  --pl_bkt {<,(,none}   character to use to bracket page number
  --pl_fntsz PL_FNTSZ   font size as percentage of book font for the pageline
  --pl_pgtot            include total pages in the pageline
  --superscript         generate superscripted page numbers
  --super_color {red,blue,green,none}
                        html color for the inserted page pagelinee.g. 'red'
  --super_fntsz SUPER_FNTSZ
                        font size as percentage of book font for the pageline
  --super_total         include total pages in the pageline
  --chap_pgtot          include chapter page and total in the pagelineand/or
  --chap_bkt {<,(,none}
                        '<', '(' or nothing; character to use to bracket page
  --epubcheck EPUBCHECK
                        location of epubcheck external executable
  --chk_paged           Run epubcheck on paged epub file
  --chk_orig            Run epubcheck on file being paginated
  --ebookconvert EBOOKCONVERT
                        location of ebook conversion executable
  --DEBUG               print additional debug information to the log file

An example configuration file "epub_pager.cfg" is provided:

    "outdir": "/Your/path/for/epubs",
    "match": true,
    "genplist": true,
    "pgwords": 300,
    "pages": 0,
    "pageline": true,
    "pl_align": "center",
    "pl_color": "red",
    "pl_bkt": "<",
    "pl_fntsz": "75%",
    "pl_pgtot": true,
    "superscript": false,
    "super_color": "red",
    "super_fntsz": "60%",
    "super_total": false,
    "chap_pgtot": true,
    "chap_bkt": "",
    "ebookconvert": "none",
    "epubcheck": "none",
    "chk_orig": true,
    "chk_warn": false,
    "DEBUG": false

The configuration file is in json and must use json syntax, not python syntax.

I have included an epub file, FarmBoy.epub for testing. You can paginate it and see how everything works.

Shameless plug: Farm Boy is copyright by me and is the story of my childhood. Enjoy--and when you can't resist recommending it to others, send them the Amazon link where they can purchase the book. Maybe I'll get rich.

Why Paginate?

Most epub readers display page numbers that are based on what fits on the display of your device given its size and the font size you have chosen. When you switch reading devices (say, from your iPhone to your iPad) or change the font size, the page size and total number of pages in your book changes. If you do these things, page numbers are not useful as bookmarks. Without consistent page lengths you don't have a feel for how much is left in a chapter or in the book. Percentages don't help much. 20% of a book with 75,000 words is quite different from 20% of a book with 200,000 words.

Consistent paging can be useful to mitigate these issues. If an epub book contains paging information that matches the paging of a physical book, the ability to see the paging information in an ereader that does not support using epub3 paging can also be useful.

epubpaginator provides all of these features.

Epub Reader Support

Most epub readers simply ignore epub3 page-lists. Some read the page-lists and provide the ability to go to a particular page, but little else.

Apple Books on iOS uses epub3 pagination as an option. You must select "Tap to show print edition page numbers" at the bottom of the Table of Contents for epub3 pagination to be used. If the ebook does not contain a page-list element in the navigation file, this option will not be displayed. When print edition page numbering is enabled, the page numbering in the Books footer reflects the page as specified in the page-list. In addition, Books will display the page number in the margin beside the location where the actual page break occurred (this could be in the middle of a paragraph).

Since most epub readers do not support displaying epub3 page-list information, epubpaginator provides two alternatives for custom pagination of epub files, pagination that will be shown by all ereaders.


The 'pagelines' option directs epubpaginator to place formatted lines containing pagination information in the text. These pagelines are placed at the end of the paragraph in which the page break occurred. Pagelines contain the current page number of the book and optionally the total pages in the book. Chapter page and chapter totals can also be added.


The 'superscript' option directs epubpaginator to place page information in the text of the book as a superscript placed after the word where the page break occurs. Superscripts contain the current page number of the book and optionally the total pages in the book. Chapter page and chapter totals can also be added. Superscripts are more distracting when reading, but have the advantage of more closely locating the page break location.


The following image is the Calibre ebook-viewer app's display of a page in a book paginated with epubpaginator. The first superscript page information is in the sixth line of the page. The superscript is placed just after the word at which the page break occurred. The pageline is placed at the end of the paragraph in which the page break occurred. In each case, both current page and page totals for the book and the chapter are presented.

The superscripts are colored red and their fontsize is 60% of the book's fontsize.

The pagelines are colored red, centered, and with a fontsize 75% of the book's fontsize.

Note that Calibre ebook-viewer does not display information from the page-list of this ebook in its footer. The footer page numbering is generated by Calibre ebook-viewer and is in about 200 words per page.


By contrast, Apple Books shows the page-list page numbers in its footer line (where a page that contains a page break will show, as in this example, 2-3), and also shows the line location of the page break by showing the page number in the margin.

One can now see that the superscript inserted by epubpaginator appears in the same line as the page break, and the pageline inserted by epubpaginator appears at the end of the paragraph in which the page break occurred.

Apple Books

The Details

Color Formatting

epubpaginator allows setting the color of the pageline and the superscript. However, depending on the ereader used, and the theme used in the ereader, the colors may be ignored by the ereader.

In Apple Books, for example, colors are acknowledged when the background selected is white or sepia, but ignored when the background is gray or black.

File Handling

epubpaginator creates a copy of the input epub file and operates on the copy. Although epubpaginator should not corrupt, delete, or otherwise modify the original epub file, always back up your files! epubpaginator requires epub files without DRM (Digital Rights Management) to operate. It outputs the modified file to the directory specified in 'outdir' with '_paged' appended to the file name.

Determining the Page Length

If epubpaginator detects an existing page-list element in the navigation file of the epub (this can only occur when the epub file is version 3), 'genplist' is forced to false. epubpaginator does not overwrite or modify an existing page-list and will not generate a second page-list if one exists.

If 'match' is set and a page-list element is found, then pagination for pagelines and/or superscripts is matched to the existing pagination.

If 'genplist' or 'pagelines' or 'super' are enabled and no existing page-list element is found, the pagination will be based on the values of the options 'pgwords' and 'pages' as follows:

  1. If 'pgwords' and 'pages' are zero, this is a fatal error. epubpaginator has no way to determine where to place pages.
  2. If 'pgwords' is not zero, its value is used to determine the page length for the paginated book.
  3. If 'pgwords' is zero and 'pages' is not zero, then 'pgwords' is set to the integer value of the book's word count divided by the value of pages. 'pgwords' is then used to determine the page length for the paginated book.

Benign Failures

If you are using epubpager only to generate an epub3 pagelist (you have not selected 'pageline' or 'superscript'), and an epub3 file already contains a pagelist, epubpager will report there is nothing to do and quit.

epubcheck Usage

epubcheck may be used to check the original epub and the paginated epub for errors. There are two alternatives for epubcheck--an external epubcheck. or the Python epubcheck module.

The simplest way to run epubcheck is to use the Python epubcheck module. To install run pip install epubcheck. If the epubcheck module is installed, epubpaginator will use it only if a configured external epubcheck is not configured. The disadvantage of the Python epubcheck module is performance--it is about 5 times slower than running an external version of epubcheck. On most epub files the Python epubcheck will take ten or more seconds to run, compared to about two seconds for the external version.

To use the external epubcheck set the --epubcheck configuration option to point to a script for your system that runs epubcheck and requires only a filename as input. Set --chk_paged and --chk_orig as desired. Included in the zipfile is a unix script,, which runs the Homebrew version of epubcheck on a mac, and epubcheck.bat which is an example of a batch file to run epubcheck on Windows. Modify these as required to point to your versions of epubcheck.

epubcheck Comments

  1. External epubcheck is very slow compared to epubpaginator. epubpaginator will generally take much less than a second to paginate an epub file. epubcheck, even on the smallest files, will usually take two or more seconds.
  2. The Python module epubcheck is even slower and will take an average of about 10 seconds to check a file.
  3. Many epub files, particularly older files, will cause epubcheck to generate multiple errors, often dozens or even hundreds of errors, and even more warnings. It is recommended to run external epubcheck with the -e option to report only errors, not warnings. The example scripts do this, and epubpaginator does this when running the Python epubcheck module. epubpaginator simply reports these errors and whether there was a difference in the number of warnings, errors, or fatal errors between the check of the original book and the paginated book.
  4. Fortunately, most epub readers are very forgiving of warnings, errors and fatal errors reported by epubcheck. While it is common for epubcheck to report errors or even fatal errors, it is relatively uncommon for epub readers to improperly render the epub book.
  5. The most common errors that occur in epubpaginator formatted books that are not present in the original book have to do with pagelines being placed in locations were epubcheck does not allow them. I have not seen any of these errors cause rendering issues in the epub readers I have tested.

epub_converter Usage

Calibre provides a command-line ebook converter program, ebook-convert, which epubpaginator can use to convert epub2 books to epub3 books to allow page-list generation. If the option "ebookconvert" contains the path to ebook-convert, epub2 books will be converted to epub3 and the epub3 book can be paginated with a page-list and page links.

The use of Calibre ebook-converter for epub2 books is encouraged because the converted books are more consistent in structure than the originals. This makes epubpaginator more effective in parsing and changing them. In a handful of cases, I have seen epub2 books which epubpaginator does not handle properly, while it does handle the converted epub3 books.

So, Does It Really Work?

I think so, but I will probably be surprised by the number of bugs reported if a lot of folks use it.

I have tested epubpaginator on more than 800 epub books I have collected over the last ten years. The result was an education in the variability of epub formats, both in ePub2 and ePub3 books. I have fixed most of the errors I found, but I am sure there are more out there.

Some older ePub2 books, have malformed xml or html files that epubpaginator cannot parse. epubpaginator detects these errors and refuses to paginate these books. In all of my books where I see these problems, converting the books to ePub3 using Calibre's conversion program results in ebooks that epubpaginator can properly handle.

If I use Calibre's ebook-convert to convert books from ePub2 to ePub3, epubpaginator converts all of my books. For testing purposes I assume that when there are no differences in errors found by epubcheck between paginated books and the originals, that the books will properly render. I spot-checked a number of books where error counts differed and found the books rendered properly.


Generate pagination for ePub3 books.







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