An openCV application that uses Python and MediaPipe to detect hands, hand landmarks, and then use them to paint on a live webcam.
Workflow: -- Design 4 different images/headers that overlay on the openCV dsiplay as you change painter colors.
Eraser Selected: Red selected: Yellow Selected: Purple Selected:
-- Write a program to Open Webcam and use MediaPipe to detect hand's landmarks (
-- Convert to a module ( with a few modifications.
--- class handDetector(): //contains methods to find a hand, detect landmarks and count the number of fingers
function findHands():
//simply uses mediapipe to detect hands
function findPosition():
//uses mediapipe to return a list of landmarks tuples (landmark_Num, x_landmark, y_landmark)
function fingersUp():
//You can find the id for each landmark and the finger it corresponds to in the meediapipe
//If (finger tip detected):
finger is up
finger is down
-- For the main
if (hand detedcted):
if (finger tips detected):
count how many fingers up
if (count == 2):
selection mode
//now, find the coordinates of the finger tip and if it's close to a certain part of the header
//change the color or choose the eraser
if (count == 1):
drawing mode
//use openCV line to draw lines but keep updating the new and previous x,y coordinates of
finger tips, so lines are not awkward and straight
//Create three different canvases
//1. Webcam (img) 2. blank black canvas (imgCanvas) 3. inverse of canvas 2 (imgInv)
imgCanvas -> grayImg -> imgInv
img = img biwise& imgInv
img = img bitwise| imgCanvas
Display final img.