A tool that helps parse markdown.
You can find the test md
file here.
Convert markdown to html
λ> import Data.ByteString as BS λ> s <- BS.readFile "test-data/test.md" λ> convertMD s <h1> h1 Heading </h1> <p> </p> <h2> h2 Heading </h2> <p> ... blah blah
An already converted html corresponding to test.md is converted-test.html
Convert to AST
λ> import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString λ> import Data.ByteString as BS λ> :set -XOverloadedStrings λ> s <- BS.readFile "test-data/test.md" λ> traverse (Prelude.putStrLn.(<>"\n").show) $ fromRight $ parseOnly (many' mdElem) (s <> "\n") Header1 "h1 Heading" Paragrah [] Header2 "h2 Heading" Paragrah [] Header3 "h3 Heading" Paragrah [] Header4 "h4 Heading" Paragrah [] Header5 "h5 Heading" Paragrah [] Header6 "h6 Heading" Paragrah [] Header2 "Horizontal Rules" Paragrah [] HorizontalRule Paragrah [] HorizontalRule Paragrah [] HorizontalRule Paragrah [] Header2 "Emphasis" Paragrah [] Paragrah [Bold "This is bold text"] Paragrah [Bold "This is bold text"] Paragrah [Italic "This is italic text"] Paragrah [Italic "This is italic text"] Paragrah [Strikethrough "Strikethrough"] Header2 "Blockquotes" Paragrah [] Blockquotes [PlainText "Blockquotes can also be nested..."] Paragrah [] Blockquotes [Blockquotes [PlainText "...by using additional greater-than signs right next to each other..."]] Paragrah [] Blockquotes [Blockquotes [Blockquotes [PlainText "...or with spaces between arrows."]]] Paragrah [] Header2 "Lists" Paragrah [] Paragrah [PlainText "Unordered"] UnorderedList [OrderedListElem "Create a list by starting a line with +, -, or *",OrderedListElem "Sub-lists are made by indenting 2 spaces:",UnorderedList [OrderedListElem "Marker character change forces new list start:",UnorderedList [OrderedListElem "Ac tristique libero volutpat at",OrderedListElem "Facilisis in pretium nisl aliquet",OrderedListElem "Nulla volutpat aliquam velit"]],OrderedListElem "Very easy!"] Paragrah [] Paragrah [PlainText "Ordered"] OrderedList [OrderedListElem "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet",OrderedListElem "Consectetur adipiscing elit",OrderedListElem "Integer molestie lorem at massa"] Paragrah [] Header2 "Code" Paragrah [] Paragrah [PlainText "Inline ",Code "code"] Paragrah [PlainText "Block code \"fences\""] CodeBlock "\nSample text here...\n" Paragrah [] Header2 "Links" Paragrah [] Paragrah [Link "link text" "http://dev.nodeca.com" Nothing] Paragrah [Link "link with title" "http://nodeca.github.io/pica/demo/" (Just "title text!")] Header2 "Images" Paragrah [] Paragrah [Image "Minion" "https://octodex.github.com/images/minion.png" Nothing] Paragrah [Image "Stormtroopocat" "https://octodex.github.com/images/stormtroopocat.jpg" (Just "The Stormtroopocat")] [(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),(),()]