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Manually deploy hono api to hono-api-test env/namespace on microk8s #2

Manually deploy hono api to hono-api-test env/namespace on microk8s

Manually deploy hono api to hono-api-test env/namespace on microk8s #2

name: Manually deploy hono api to hono-api-test env/namespace on microk8s
on: workflow_dispatch # run manually
name: Deploy to hono api test
name: hono-api-test
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Kubectl tool installer
uses: Azure/setup-kubectl@v3
- name: Setup kubectl
run: |
mkdir -p $HOME/.kube
echo "${MICROK8S_CONFIG}" | base64 --decode > $HOME/.kube/config
- name: Check kubectl get node
run: kubectl get nodes -o wide
- name: Check out code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Install jq
run: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install -y jq
- name: deploy apply pods to hono-api-test env
run: |
# create namespace hono-api-test
kubectl apply -f microk8s-hono-api/test/namespace.yaml
# create secret regcred for kubernetes to pull image from private registry on Github
if ! kubectl -n hono-api-test get secret regcred; then
# create the secret when no secret is found
kubectl -n hono-api-test create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=${{ }} --docker-password=${{ secrets.GHCR_PAT }}
# check if kubernetes secret regcred needs an update, and update it when it is not the same as given secret GHCR_PAT from Github repository secret
existing_pass=$(kubectl -n hono-api-test get secret regcred --template='{{index .data ".dockerconfigjson" | base64decode}}' | jq -r '.auths[""].password')
if [[ "$existing_pass" != "${{ secrets.GHCR_PAT }}" ]]; then
echo "Updating kubernetes secret as password from Github repository secret do not match."
kubectl -n hono-api-test delete secret regcred
kubectl -n hono-api-test create secret docker-registry regcred --docker-username=${{ }} --docker-password=${{ secrets.GHCR_PAT }}
echo "Secret regcred already exists, and it is the same as GHCR_PAT Github repository secret, skipping."
# create secrets for hono api to use as environment variables defined in deployment.yaml in base directory
if ! kubectl -n hono-api-test get secret esapikeycred; then
# create the secret when no secret is found
kubectl -n hono-api-test create secret generic esapikeycred --from-literal=esApiKey=${{ secrets.ES_APIKEY }}
# check if kubernetes secret esapikeycred needs an update, and update it when it is not the same as given secret ES_APIKEY from Github repository secret
existing_pass=$(kubectl -n hono-api-test get secret esapikeycred --template='{{index .data "esApiKey" | base64decode}}')
if [[ "$existing_pass" != "${{ secrets.ES_APIKEY }}" ]]; then
echo "Updating kubernetes secret esapikeycred, as password from Github repository secret ES_APIKEY do not match."
kubectl -n hono-api-test delete secret esapikeycred
kubectl -n hono-api-test create secret generic esapikeycred --from-literal=esApiKey=${{ secrets.ES_APIKEY }}
echo "Secret esapikeycred already exists, and it is the same as ES_APIKEY Github repository secret, skipping."
# apply all resources in overlays based on namespace
kubectl apply -k microk8s-hono-api/test -n hono-api-test
- name: Wait For Deployment To Start
run: sleep 10s
- name: Wait For Pods To Start
run: kubectl wait --for=condition=ready pod -l app=hono-api -n hono-api-test --timeout=10m