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Trade and investment factsheets

This repository contains the source code for Trade and investment factsheets.


This is prototype for testing purposes only. It exists to experiment with using the Observable Framework to publish dashboards of public data.


Required reading

It's a very good idea to read all of the following before attempting changes.

Also, we use quite a lot of HTML to leverage the GOV.UK Design System, more than most Observable Framework examples, which means you probably want to add blank lines for readability. But be careful! In normal HTML this has no effect, but here it runs the risk of being parsed as Markdown, and if too indented will be treated as a code block to display.

You can work around this by using empty HTML comments <-- --> to add in some whitespace.

Running locally

This is an Observable Framework project. To start the local preview server you first need to clone the code:

git clone [email protected]:uktrade/trade-and-investment-factsheets.git

go into the trade-and-investment-factsheets folder:

cd trade-and-investment-factsheets

And then run (only needed once, or when dependencies are updated):

npm install

and then:

npm run dev

Then visit http://localhost:3000 to preview the dashboard.

For more information, see

Making and previewing changes in the browser

It's possible to make changes to this dashboard directly in the web-based editor, and to preview changes before changing the production dashboard.

While the feedback cycle of this process is slow, this process is suitable if you are not able to run this dashboard locally.


Previews are just like everything else in this repository: open to the world.

The steps to make changes are in the Using source control section of the documentation, but briefly:

  1. When viewing the repository in your browser, for example the page you're currently reading, press "." (full stop) to start the web-based editor.

  2. Create a new branch, for example "feat/change-title".

  3. Make changes as needed.

  4. Commit and push. The commit message can be brief, but should be accurate.

  5. Make a pull request from your branch. It should appear at

To then preview changes:

  1. Wait for a comment to appear in the pull request for your change that contains a link to the preview. Click the link to see the preview.

    Note that the comment appears a few moments before the preview is ready. If you click the link very soon after it appears, you may arrive at a 404 error page. If this happens wait a few moments and refresh.

    If there is an error when building the preview, the comment will not appear. Errors should be visible in the log of workflows for the "GitHub pages: deploy preview" action.

If you need to make changes, you should be able to repeat steps 3 and 4 above for your branch, and then wait again for the preview to be updated so you can see the effects of your changes.

Then before merging the PR:

  1. Make sure the pull request title and description are accurate, and describe what this change does from a end user point of view, why it's being done, and how.


The dashboard is hosted on GitHub pages, and deployed automatically on every push or merge to the main branch, and on a daily schedule. See the "GitHub pages: deploy main" workflow for details.

Command reference

Command Description
npm install Install or reinstall dependencies
npm run dev Start local preview server
npm run build Build your static site, generating ./dist
npm run deploy Deploy your project to Observable
npm run clean Clear the local data loader cache
npm run observable Run commands like observable help

Project structure

The project structure follows the usual Observable Framework structure. An example of such a structure is:

├─ src
│  ├─ components
│  │  └─ timeline.js           # an importable module
│  ├─ data
│  │  ├─ launches.csv.js       # an example data loader
│  │  └─ events.json           # an example static data file
│  ├─     # a page
│  ├─        # another page
│  └─                 # the home page
├─ .gitignore
├─ observablehq.config.js      # the project config file
├─ package.json

src - This is the “source root” — where the source files live. Pages go here. Each page is a Markdown file. Observable Framework uses file-based routing, which means that the name of the file controls where the page is served. You can create as many pages as you like. Use folders to organize your pages.

src/ - This is the home page for the site. You can have as many additional pages, but there must be a home page.

src/data - You can put data loaders or static data files anywhere in your source root, but it's recommended to put them here.

src/components - You can put shared JavaScript modules anywhere in the source root, but it's recommended to put them here. This helps you pull code out of Markdown files and into JavaScript modules, making it easier to reuse code across pages, write tests and run linters, and even share code with vanilla web applications.

observablehq.config.js - This is the project configuration file, such as the pages and sections in the sidebar navigation, and the project’s title.

Updating R packages

  1. Add/remove the packages from DESCRIPTION.

  2. Update the renv.lock based on the packages listed in DESCRIPTION.

    Rscript -e 'renv::init(); renv::install(); renv::snapshot(type="explicit");'
  3. Commit both the updated DESCRIPTION and renv.lock to a new branch.

  4. Raise a PR to merge the new branch into the main branch, and make sure its actions and preview work without error and as expected.

  5. Merge the PR.


Source code for "Trade and investment factsheets", a prototype for testing purposes only.



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