The drone monitors and runs services. and
The third major version of Upsilon, written in Golang.
- Golang
- Autoconfiguration whenever possible.
The second (but first propper) version of Upsilon, written in Java.
A short[TURTLES] list of interesting stuff learned;
- Jenkins Job Builder
- Puppet
- NSIS Windows installer
- Debian package
- Jenkinsfile
- Smoke tests with docker
- Write xml configfiles with a TUI tool (upsilon-node-config)
- Environment testing script
- Java logback config
- Sys5 Init script
- logrotate
- Loading properties file from jar (build info)
- XSD Schema validation
- Jerrt static webserver
- docbookx files
- Travis
- Vagrant
- Java <-> XML Serialization
- Java AMQP
- Java SSL
Lost to time, but was a bunch of shell scripts built around Nagios.