e-Shop like Application managing Products and Categories tree menu for Python 3.5
Requires django 1.10 and psycopg2 libraries
Using tox basic dependencies are installed. Unit Tests uses in-memory DB.
pip install tox
tox -r
pyvenv env
. env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements_run.txt
Create eshop database and eshopuser. Assuming postgres DB on localhost. Modify database settings @ eshop/settings.py
CREATE USER eshopuser WITH PASSWORD 'password';
ALTER ROLE eshopuser SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE eshopuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE eshopuser SET timezone TO 'UTC';
###Running migrations
python eshop/manage.py migrate
Testing application performance when 10 000 active products added to the DB with many categories and subcategories
python eshop/manage.py stress_test
python eshop/manage.py test --settings eshop.test_settings
python eshop/manage.py createsuperuser
python eshop/manage.py runserver
Application specification doc is here. Application display Read-Only Menu of active Products and Categories @ index url. Under /admin site logged in users are allowed to add Categories and Products.
Additional behaviour assumptions done:
- Model Validations added
- Category can not be a parent for itself
- Sub_categories can not be assigned to multiple categories
- If product is inactive it is not shown in Read-Only Menu and not included to the 'active product count' (N)
- DB is optimize to read data: Create and Delete new products and categories can take quite long time to optimise retrieve of data (db_index used)
- Product can be added to different categories multiple times, then total product count adds it multiple times