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mogul committed Jan 7, 2022
1 parent 2220d4e commit ee1c1c5
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Showing 14 changed files with 4,250 additions and 0 deletions.
58 changes: 58 additions & 0 deletions doc/compliance/apps/
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
# Application boundary view

![application boundary view](../rendered/apps/application.boundary.svg)

' uncomment the following line and comment the first to use locally
' !include C4_Container.puml
title application boundary view
Person_Ext(public, "Public", "A member of the public")
Boundary(device, "Computing Device", "Windows, OS X, Linux, iOS, Android"){
System_Ext(browser, "Web Browser", "any modern version")
Rel(public, browser, "request info, submit request", "")
note as EncryptionNote
All connections depicted are encrypted with TLS 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
end note
Boundary(aws, "AWS GovCloud") {
Boundary(cloudgov, "") {
System_Ext(aws_alb, " load-balancer", "AWS ALB")
System_Ext(cloudgov_router, "<&layers> routers", "Cloud Foundry traffic service")
Boundary(atob, "ATO boundary") {
System_Boundary(inventory, "Application") {
Container(app, "<&layers> Application", "Ruby 3.0.3, Rails 7.0", "Presents a UX for requesting an at-home test kit")
ContainerDb(app_db, "Application DB", "AWS RDS (PostgreSQL)", "Stores data about requests")
ContainerDb(app_s3, "Export bucket", "AWS S3", "Stores encrypted export for retrieval by USPS")
Boundary(gsa_saas, "GSA-authorized SaaS") {
System_Ext(dap, "DAP", "Analytics collection")
System_Ext(newrelic, "New Relic", "Monitoring SaaS")
browser -> dap : **reports usage** \n//[https (443)]//
Rel(app, newrelic, "reports telemetry", "tcp (443)")
Rel(browser, aws_alb, "request info, submit request for test kit", "https GET/POST (443)")
Rel(aws_alb, cloudgov_router, "proxies requests", "https GET/POST (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_router, app, "proxies requests", "https GET/POST (443)")
Rel(app, app_db, "reads/writes dataset metadata", "psql (5432)")
Rel(app, app_s3, "reads/writes dataset resources", "https (443)")
Boundary(unknown_boundary, "Unclear boundary") {
System_Ext(address_api, "Address validation API", "USPS? Google Maps? SmartyStreets? Local?")
Rel(browser, address_api, "auto-complete address entries", "https GET/POST (443)")
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions doc/compliance/apps/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
# application logical view

![application logical view](../rendered/apps/application.logical.svg)

title application logical view
Person_Ext(public, "Public users", "A member of the public")
Boundary(atob, "ATO boundary") {
System(application, "application", "record test kit requests")
Rel(public, application, "requests test kit for address")
106 changes: 106 additions & 0 deletions doc/compliance/apps/
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@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
# Deployment

Configuration management and deployment for every application follows the pattern described unless otherwise specified.

Figure 10-1 Deployment Diagram
![ typical deployment interactions](../rendered/apps/deployment.svg)

title typical deployment interactions
note as EncryptionNote
All connections depicted are encrypted with TLS 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
end note
Deployment_Node(aws, "AWS GovCloud", "Amazon Web Services Region") {
Deployment_Node(aws_alb, "Public-facing TLS termination", "AWS ALB") {
Deployment_Node(cloudgov, "", "Cloud Foundry PaaS") {
Deployment_Node(cloudgov_router, " router", "Cloud Foundry service") {
Boundary(cloudgov_endpoints, " endpoints") {
System_Ext(cloudgov_logdrain, "", "ELK")
System_Ext(cloudgov_controller, " controller", "Cloud Foundry orchestration")
System_Ext(cloudgov_dashboard, " dashboard", "Cloud Foundry web UI")
System_Ext(cloudgov_sshproxy, " SSH proxy", "Cloud Foundry application inspection")
System_Ext(cloudgov_uaa, " authentication", "Cloud Foundry service")
Boundary(atob, "ATO boundary") {
Deployment_Node(organization, "organization") {
Deployment_Node(space, "space") {
System(app, "application", "component")
ContainerDb(cloudgov_services, " data services", "AWS RDS, S3, etc", "Stores persistent data for apps")
' Application output (not critical here, so commented out)
' Rel(app, cloudgov_services, "reads/writes data", "data protocols")
' Rel(app, cloudgov_logdrain, "logs to", "stdout/stderr")
' internals
Rel(cloudgov_dashboard, cloudgov_controller, "manipulates", "https (443)")
Lay_D(cloudgov_dashboard, cloudgov_controller)
Rel(cloudgov_dashboard, cloudgov_uaa, "authenticates", "https (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_controller, cloudgov_uaa, "authenticates", "https (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_logdrain, cloudgov_uaa, "authenticates", "https (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_sshproxy, cloudgov_uaa, "authenticates", "https (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_sshproxy, app, "creates shell")
Rel(cloudgov_controller, space, "provisions/inspects/operates apps")
Rel(cloudgov_controller, cloudgov_services, "provisions/inspects services")
Person(team, "team member")
Deployment_Node(computer, "Computing Device", "MS Windows, OS X, or Linux"){
System(browser, "Web Browser", "any modern version")
System(git_cli, "git CLI", "local version control command")
System(cf_cli, "cf CLI", "local Cloud Foundry command")
Rel(team, browser, "uses")
Rel(team, cf_cli, "uses")
Rel(team, git_cli, "uses")
Boundary(gsa_saas, "GSA-authorized SaaS") {
Deployment_Node(gsuite, "GSA G Suite", "Collaboration SaaS") {
System(ggroup, "[email protected]", "Google Group")
Boundary(deploymentservices, "Deployment services") {
System_Ext(snyk, "Snyk", "Dependency analysis SaaS")
Deployment_Node(github, "GitHub", "VCS SaaS"){
System(github_repo, "GSA/[component name]", "Code repository")
System_Ext(dap, "DAP", "Web analytics SaaS")
System_Ext(newrelic, "New Relic", "Monitoring SaaS")
System_Ext(secureauth, "GSA SecureAuth", "SAML Identity Provider")
Rel_(cloudgov_uaa, secureauth, "proxies authentication requests", "SAML/https (443)", "..>")
'Team interactions
Rel_Back(team, newrelic, "reports problems", "email")
Rel(browser, dap, "reviews reports", "https (443)")
Rel(browser, cloudgov_logdrain, "reviews logs", "https (443)")
'Lay_D(app, cloudgov_logdrain)
Rel(browser, github_repo, "makes pull-request, approves PRs", "https (443)")
Rel(git_cli, github_repo, "commits code", "ssh (22)")
Rel(cf_cli, cloudgov_controller, "interacts with API", "https (443)")
Rel(cf_cli, cloudgov_sshproxy, "establishes session", "ssh (22)")
Rel(browser, cloudgov_dashboard, "interacts with dashboard", "https (443)")
Rel(team, ggroup, "provides assistance", "email")
Rel(team, secureauth, "authenticates", "https (443)")
' Deployment automation
Rel_Up(snyk, github_repo, "watches for changes, reports vulnerable dependencies", "GitHub API")
Rel(github_repo, cloudgov_controller, "pushes code, invokes tasks", "https (443)")
' Non-functional, just helps with layout'
'Lay_R(cloudgov_endpoints, atob)
140 changes: 140 additions & 0 deletions doc/compliance/generic/
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@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
# Deploying a change to production code

The following interactions make a change happen in the production environment. A narrative explanation follows the diagram.

![CI/CD process](../rendered/generic/deployment-change.svg)

box "Team" #LightBlue
entity "reviewer" as reviewer
entity "author" as author
end box
== Preparing the change ==
author ->> github: push branch
author ->> github: start pull-request
participant snyk
github ->> githubactions: branch available
github ->> snyk: branch available
== Checking the change ==
activate snyk
par Snyk and GitHub Actions check the branch
snyk -> snyk: inspect dependencies
loop vulnerabilities are found
github <<-- snyk: report problems
author <<-- github: report failure
author ->> github: push changes to branch
github ->> snyk: changes available
snyk -> snyk: inspect dependencies
github <<-- snyk: report success
deactivate snyk
activate githubactions
githubactions -> githubactions: run tests
loop tests are failing
github <<-- githubactions: report problems
author <<-- github: report failure
author ->> github: push changes to branch
github ->> githubactions: changes available
githubactions -> githubactions: run tests
github <<-- githubactions: report success
deactivate githubactions
author <<-- github: report successes
== Reviewing the change ==
author ->> github: request review
create reviewer
reviewer <<-- github: notify of pull-request
reviewer ->> github: inspect branch
loop change needed/bug identified
reviewer ->> github: note findings
author <<-- github: report findings
author ->> github: push changes to branch
reviewer <<-- github: report changes
reviewer ->> github: approve pull-request
alt either the author
author ->> github: merge into deployment branch
else or the reviewer
reviewer ->> github: merge into deployment branch
== Deploying the change ==
github ->> githubactions: deployment branch changed
activate githubactions
participant "application in staging" as stagingapp
create awsapi
githubactions -> awsapi: push config to AWS API
create awsstaging
awsapi -> awsstaging: push config to staging account
create capi
githubactions -> capi: push code to staging space
create stagingapp
capi -> stagingapp: stage
capi -> stagingapp: start
activate stagingapp
capi ->> stagingapp: monitor
stagingapp ->> stagingapp: handle requests
capi <<- stagingapp: app crash
capi ->> stagingapp: restart
githubactions -> stagingapp: run smoke tests
alt smoke tests fail
author <<-- githubactions: report problems
else smoke tests pass
participant "application in production" as app
githubactions -> awsapi: push config to AWS API
create awsproduction
awsapi -> awsproduction: push config to production account
githubactions -> capi: push code to production space
create app
capi -> app: stage
capi -> app: start
activate app
capi ->> app: monitor
app ->> app: handle requests
capi <<- app: app crash
capi ->> app: restart
deactivate app
deactivate githubactions
box "Deployment SaaS" #LightGreen
participant github
participant githubactions
participant snyk
end box
box "" #Green
participant " controller" as capi
participant stagingapp
participant app
end box
box "AWS US-West" #YellowGreen
participant "AWS API" as awsapi
participant awsstaging
participant awsproduction
end box
68 changes: 68 additions & 0 deletions doc/compliance/generic/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
# Boundaries, components, and user interactions

Every component follows the pattern described below with variance only in the application or data services in use unless otherwise specified.
![typical application interactions](../rendered/generic/generic.boundary.svg)

title typical application interactions
note as EncryptionNote
All connections depicted are encrypted with TLS 1.2 unless otherwise noted.
end note
Deployment_Node(aws, "AWS GovCloud", "Amazon Web Services Region") {
System_Ext(aws_alb, "Public-facing TLS termination", "AWS ALB")
Deployment_Node(cloudgov, "", "Cloud Foundry PaaS") {
System_Ext(cloudgov_router, " router", "Cloud Foundry service")
System_Ext(cloudgov_logdrain, "", "ELK")
Boundary(atob, "ATO boundary") {
Deployment_Node(organization, "organization") {
Deployment_Node(space, "space") {
System(app, "application", "component")
ContainerDb(cloudgov_services, " data services", "AWS RDS, S3, etc", "Stores persistent data for apps")
Rel(aws_alb, cloudgov_router, "sends application traffic", "https (443)")
Rel_Down(app, cloudgov_services, "reads/writes data", "data protocols")
' Logs flow
Rel(app, cloudgov_logdrain, "logs to", "stdout/stderr")
' Customer access
Person_Ext(public, "User", "Agency personnel or the public")
Deployment_Node(computer, "Computing Device", "MS Windows, OS X, or Linux"){
System_Ext(browser, "Web Browser", "any modern version")
' Monitoring
Boundary(gsa_saas, "GSA-authorized SaaS") {
Deployment_Node(gsuite, "GSA G Suite", "Collaboration SaaS") {
System(ggroup, "[email protected]", "Google Group")
System_Ext(dap, "DAP", "Web analytics SaaS")
System_Ext(newrelic, "New Relic", "Monitoring SaaS")
Rel(newrelic, aws_alb, "monitors application", "https GET (443)")
Rel(app, newrelic, "reports telemetry", "tcp (443)")
Rel(public, ggroup, "gets help", "email")
Rel(public, browser, "uses")
browser --> dap : **reports usage** \n//[https (443)]//
Rel(browser, aws_alb, "interacts with application", "https GET/POST (443)")
Rel(cloudgov_router, app, "proxies to", "https GET/POST (443)")

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