The master branch is ported to Java 10, and uses specificities of it so can't be compiled nor ran on jdk < 10. The JAVA8 branch can be compiled and ran on jdk 8/9/10 (there are maven "auto-profiles" for those).
A Java port of the "Simulator for digital circuits" from SICP (Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs). The full book is available online: I have the paper edition, but it's nice to be able to link to a non-paywalled, full edition, so thanks MIT for that!
The idea of this project comes from a friend of mine mentioning connecting neural networks together. It reminded me of doing it like in that chapter (rather than using Kafka or any complex frameworks): Even though Lisp and Java obviously are very different, with just Java 8 lambdas it's not hard to implement almost exactly the same concepts. So then, it shouldn't be that hard to implement a neural network from that, right??? (yeah right) For now (and for once) I wanna keep from looking at how frameworks like DL4J/TensorFlow/whatever do it. Instead I'm going to try to use: -SICP concepts (wires, ...) as low-level bricks -to implement the model from the French book "Réseaux neuronaux" by Jean-Philippe Rennard (Editions Vuibert) -using my Java experience to do it in a more object-oriented way than in the book
- Classes in
for example usages of how to connectWire
s toBox
es - Tests in
for expected behaviour and examples of how to tick the clock.- Tests in
use Property-Based Testing to assert the invariants of variousBox
- Tests in
If you're wondering what the //@formatter:off
comments are all about, it's because:
- Even though IntelliJ is overall a better IDE than Eclipse IMO, it's also more annoying in some regards (La perfection n'est pas de ce monde),
- generally in that it sometimes tends to be too opinionated,
- and specifically in that unlike Eclipse, it doesn't have a global, Don't reformat on save / Thanks, but I know what I'm doing option (at least give us options: "Never" OR "Never for Java files", since this issue is more pregnant in the "core").
- and they outright say they won't support it.
- So instead of just configuring IJ, I have to sprinkle it all over the place. Overall thanks IJ for the stable IDE experience, but please be less apple-like.