This card will Audit your mysql database and give the information about standards and constraints.
Please check the official laravel installation guide for server requirements before you start. [Official Documentation]
Require the package with Composer:
composer require vcian/pulse-mysql-db-auditor
Next, you should publish the Pulse configuration and migration files using the vendor:publish Artisan command:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Pulse\PulseServiceProvider"
Next, you should run the migration for required tables
php artisan migrate
Right now, the Composer dependencies will only be checked once per day. To run the checks you must add the PulseMysqlDBAudtiorRecorder to the pulse.php file.
return [
// ...
'recorders' => [
+ \Vcian\Pulse\PulseMysqlDBAuditor\Recorders\PulseMysqlDBAuditorRecorder::class => [],
You also need to be running the pulse:check command.
To add the card to the Pulse dashboard, you must first [publish the vendor view]
Then, you can modify the dashboard.blade.php file:
<livewire:pulse.servers cols="full" />
<livewire:pulse.usage cols="4" rows="2" />
<livewire:pulse.queues cols="4" />
<livewire:pulse.cache cols="4" />
<livewire:pulse.slow-queries cols="8" />
<livewire:pulse.exceptions cols="6" />
<livewire:pulse.slow-requests cols="6" />
<livewire:pulse.slow-jobs cols="6" />
<livewire:pulse.slow-outgoing-requests cols="6" />
+ <livewire:pulse_db_auditor cols='full' />
To make pulse recorders will automatically capture entries based on framework events dispatched by Laravel, You must run the below command.
php artisan pulse:check
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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.