This is a Python command-line tool for an implementation of a homophonic substitution cipher. Upon generating a mapping.p
file, pmhsc takes 8 random, non-repeating letters and gathers all the permutations with repetitions (Cartesian product) of those letters (8^8 or 16,777,216 unique strings). These permutations are then shuffled, and dispersed equally 27 ways (26 letters of the alphabet and space). This gives each letter 621,378 unique representations (or mappings). When a message is encrypted one of these 621,378 strings belonging to each letter are selected at random to represent each character. During decryption strings are searched for and remapped to their original letters.
Seeing as we still cannot break some homophonic substitution ciphers from the eighteen hundreds that were comprised of 50,000 symbols or less, I'm fairly certain that this cipher can be used to very safely share relatively short, important, nerdy messages. Swap mapping.p
files with your homies face-to-face, and then send each other all the secret messages. <3
A little while after making pmhsc I came back and created Rich Man's Homophonic Substitution Cipher which can encrypt any file type (not just ASCII) with a homophonic cipher similar to pmhsc. It's notably less strong, but this is mostly just for fun anyhow (read: just use OTP). It uses an 8-letter isogram (espinoza
in this case) and takes the Cartesian product of that string to produce 8^8 unique strings. It then takes every possible value of 8-bits (2^8 or 256 states) and disperses the 8^8 unique strings to these 256 states. This gives each 8-bit state 65,536 unique representations. Encryption and decryption occurs the same as pmhsc.
See below for the usage and results of both of these tools.
$ python
usage: [-h] [-g] [-e] [-d] [-m MAPPING] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
poor mans homophonic substitution cipher
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g, --genmaps generate mapping file
-e, --encrypt encrypt a file
-d, --decrypt decrypt a file
-m MAPPING, --mapping MAPPING
specify a mapping file to use (default: mapping.p)
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file
$ python --genmaps
Mapping completed in 85.75 seconds.
$ du -sh mapping.p
358M mapping.p
$ python --encrypt -i example/example.txt -o example/example.enc
Encryption completed in 41.94 seconds.
$ python --decrypt -i example/example.enc -o example/example.dec
Decryption completed in 161.18 seconds.
$ python --help
usage: [-h] [-g] [-e] [-d] [-i INPUT] [-o OUTPUT]
rich man's homophonic substitution cipher
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-g, --genmaps generate mapping file
-e, --encrypt encrypt a file
-d, --decrypt decrypt a file
-i INPUT, --input INPUT
input file
-o OUTPUT, --output OUTPUT
output file
$ python -g
Generating mapping file...
Completed genmaps in 32.41 seconds.
$ du -sh mapping.p
289M mapping.p
$ python --encrypt -i example/1x1.png -o example/1x1.enc
Encrypting file...
Completed encryption in 1.90 seconds.
$ python --decrypt -i example/1x1.enc -o example/1x1.dec
Decrypting file...
Completed decryption in 40.88 seconds.
$ md5sum example/1x1.*
71a50dbba44c78128b221b7df7bb51f1 example/1x1.dec
e26386ee59797c96ba40d38c91aab23f example/1x1.enc
71a50dbba44c78128b221b7df7bb51f1 example/1x1.png
$ cat example.txt
Perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard, but
Harry had always been small and skinny for his age. He looked even
smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were
old clothes of Dudley's, and Dudley was about four times bigger than he
$ cat example.enc
b kbkk rrkdknrkvrqkbvd bdnkq nr nqrvbvrbbvkvknbqb nbd nvvd dkrqvrvvqrddqrvrdd
rqnqnvvnbdk rbvvkdqdb bvvnrqbvr vkqrvrbvqvq dbndknqndq rrvdbrqdb vkrkkrvvqdvdkb
n bkqkrk kqkkq qvqqvbdd q rqd bdv vv r rqvvd qdndrd k vbnkdk vqkkqkvqndnnnbnbrkr
drbrkv kbbr dqndqnbnnqr kdqbvqqbvdkdnd dkdr kkrnnkbqdnbv kkk qkbn qddrdnbnqb
$ cat example.dec
perhaps it had something to do with living in a dark cupboard but
harry had always been small and skinny for his age he looked even
smaller and skinnier than he really was because all he had to wear were
old clothes of dudleys and dudley was about four times bigger than he
$ xxd 1x1.png
00000000: 8950 4e47 0d0a 1a0a 0000 000d 4948 4452 .PNG........IHDR
00000010: 0000 0001 0000 0001 0103 0000 0025 db56 .............%.V
00000020: ca00 0000 0350 4c54 4500 0000 a77a 3dda .....PLTE....z=.
00000030: 0000 0001 7452 4e53 0040 e6d8 6600 0000 [email protected]...
00000040: 0a49 4441 5408 d763 6000 0000 0200 01e2 .IDAT..c`.......
00000050: 21bc 3300 0000 0049 454e 44ae 4260 82 !.3....IEND.B`.
$ cat 1x1.enc