simple/weight vim's configration with vim-plug
To install, run
$ git clone git:// ~/.vim
$ cd ~/.vim && make install
To update the repository, run
$ make update
If you are going to use this colorscheme of the configuration in Terminal mode (e.g. not in a GUI version like gvim or macvim), please consider setting your terminal emulator's colorscheme to used.
Test the terminals color bit depth:
$ tput colors
If the result is 8, that means your Terminal was using 8 bit color (e.g. xterm on Gentoo), please:
$ echo "export TERM=xterm-256color" >> ~/.bashrc
You may need unicode suported terminal to display airline unicode symbols.
vimrc.mine and gvimrc.mine contain system-specific settings or other settings that should not be part of a general configuration.