Creating a sample rails app to show deploying a GitHub-hosted app to Heroku. This turned out to be really easy (the key being git push heroku master
, same as any Heroku app), so this is all overkill. But it's done now, so here we go.
(Misteps omitted)
Create repository in GitHub, pull down
git clone
cd heroku-rails/
Create rails app, add "welcome" controller Add app/views/welcome/index.html.erb and update config/routes.rb (not shown, see source)
rails new .
rails generate controller welcome
Run locally, check at http://localhost:3000
rails server
In Gemfile, replace gem 'sqlite3' with gem 'pg' (could have avoiding this by using the --database=postgresql
option when creating the app), install bundle
bundle install
Log into Heroku, create new app
heroku login
heroku create
Check that remote "heroku" was added
git config -e
Commit everything
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
Push to GitHub
git push origin master
Push to Heroku
git push heroku master
Open Heroku deployed app (mine is at
heroku open