This is an initiative towards building a reward-based (Good Samaritan Points) online platform for unitedly confronting common and personal(individual) problems through collaboration.
The application is completely serverless, developed using the AWS serverless framework - AWS SAM, AWS Lambda, AWS APIGateway, DynamoDB, and s3. The lambda functions are developed using GoLang while Vue.js ( is used for the frontend. It's currently at the prototype stage, and can be accessed using
Here are a couple of sample screenshots of the application.
├── Makefile <-- Make to automate build
├── <-- This instructions file
├── issues <-- Source code for a lambda function concerning issue management functionality
├── userlogin <-- Source code for a lambda function concerning user login/logout functionality
├── users <-- Source code for a lambda function concerning user management functionality
├── json <-- This has the static data for the prototype purpose
└── template.yaml <-- Config file for defining the infrastructure (similar to AWS Cloudformation)
└── samconfig.toml <-- Config file for deployment.
Different resources/functionalities (login, user management, etc.,) can be developed using different languages, but for time being only Go is being used.