This project contains only the Low-Layer APIs source code for STM32F1 microcontrollers. For code base the author uses official the Low-Layer APIs code from package STM32CubeF1.
The ST company actively promotes its product - hardware abstraction layer (HAL). Author of this repository considers that the HAL is a bullshit. Only Low-Layer APIs is true product for experts.
In official package the Low-Layer APIs was mixed with bullshit code of HAL. In this repository the author singled out the quintessence of Low-Layer APIs source code.
After singling out the Low-Layer APIs source code the author made some improvements that don't change official code any way:
- IAR project for building static library of Low-Layer APIs
- new module for dynamically setting the interrupt handler (the vector table has been copied to the RAM sector)
Author made repositories for other series: