Project presented as a partial requirement for the approval of the course Conception/Programmation Orientée Object in the first semester of the 4th year of Ingénierie Informatique et Reséaux at INSA Toulouse
The project was modelled and implemented by the following students:
- LÓPEZ ROMERO Luis Alberto
The Group TD for this subject was B1 for José and Luis, and B2 for Vitor The teacher responsable for the TD group was M. Bit-Monnot
All project requirements, for both function and non-functional requirements, as well as a general explanation of how the software should work can be checked here
Model - contains diagrams-related files
DiagramImages - contains the same diagrams as in the Model folder, but in JPG format
Project - contains project-related files
└───makefile - commands to build and run the project
└───src - contains the java project files
└───pom.xml - maven project usual pom file
The project conception and modelling was all done using the UML notation, more specifically with the open source software Modelio, the whole folder can be imported to the software, there are also screenshots available at the same folder.
For the purpose of time-management and accompaniment of the project development in respect to the project deadlines, the scrum agile method was applied, all the user-stories, tasks, sprints and more info can be seen here
- Clone this Github Repository
- Change the local network to be used in BASE_IP property of the file
- Run a
to run the programs, or amake install
to generate the jar file - To use the database you should be connected to the INSA network, if you're not it is necessary to connect to it via a VPN.