This is a repository containing a Decision Tree classifier for documents. More information on decision tree can be found here.
The classifier is built from ground up; many existing packages provide the same Decision Tree functionality (such as sklearn
). This repository is my own implementation of the model The model takes as input vectors of documents in the form of:
[feature_1_freq, feature_2_freq... feature_n_freq
Each element in the vector corresponds to a feature (token) in the vocabulary, and the value of each element is the frequency of that feature. A vectorizer for any given document will be provided in future updates.
This implementation uses information gain as the feature selection criteria.
The main script that runs the Decision Tree classifier is
from model import DecisionTree
import build_dt
# define paths to training and testing data
TRAIN_PATH = "train.vectors.txt"
TEST_PATH = "test.vectors.txt"
Provide the paths to train and test sets before running
The model takes two arguments to control its learning. The variable MAX_DEPTH
controls the number of levels of the decision tree, while MIN_GAIN
controls the minimum amount of information gained from observing a feature.
from dtnode import DTNode
from util import compute_info_gain
from model import DecisionTree
The model will output a confusion matrix and the train and test accuracies.
Confusion matrix for the test data:
row is the truth, column is the system output
talk.politics.guns talk.politics.mideast talk.politics.misc
talk.politics.guns 900 0 0
talk.politics.mideast 8 891 1
talk.politics.misc 39 43 818
Test accuracy=0.9662962962962963