A SYCL implementation of Edge-connected Jaccard Similarity
In addition to a bespoke edge-centric kernel, this work leverages a hand-translated version of the vertex-centric kernel pipeline from cuGraph (https://github.com/rapidsai/cugraph) licensed under Apache 2.0. Please see NOTICE for a description of which elements were reused and where.
Please Cite: Edge-Connected Jaccard Similarity for Graph Link Prediction on FPGA, Paul Sathre, Atharva Gondhalekar, Wu-chun Feng, In Proceedings of the IEEE High Performance Extreme Computing Conference (HPEC), Waltham, MA, September 2022. (Insert DOI once available)
- For reproducibility, refer to the 7 revisions with the key
in their tag. Input data can be found here: HPEC'22 Input CSR Data