When come into technical analysis field, I realize that it's hard to find out which company in stock market met your indicator. How can I find which company have SMA14 price cut close price among over 1600 companies in Vietnam stock market? There maybe some paid services can help you, but it's paid services. So I create this project in order to help you find out which companies have met your indicator requirement.
├── .github
│ └── workflows
│ └──update.yml
├── assets
│ └── style.css
├── datas
│ ├── hose
│ ├── hnx
│ └── upcom
├── images
├── pages
│ ├── blogs
│ ├── blog.py
│ ├── chart.py
│ ├── home.py
│ └── price.py
├── Procfile
├── README.md
├── app.py
├── channel.py
├── explain.md
├── get_price.py
├── indicator.py
└── requirements.txt
Telegram channel
Web app
There is no Vietnam stock data in YahooFinance or other large finance data source. In this project, I get data from Vietstock websites.
To announce to user, I've created a telegram channel, then using Telegram to automatically send results to this channel
To visualizing results, I use Plotly and Dash to create a web app. Then using Heroku to hosting.
To automatically update data and send message every day, I use Github Action.
I will explain in detail all technical solutions I've used in this project here.
Let's go to the first part, preparing datas. Unlike other countries that have developed financial markets, users can easily get stock data from Yahoo Finance or other large data sources. In Vietnam, it’s quite hard to get this data free easily. There are some available packages can get trading data, for example vnquant, but they don’t have Adjust Close
price, which is very important for technical analysis. In order to solve this problem, I've been looking for some stock websites in Vietnam like cafef, vndirect and decide to crawl from data from Vietstock. All code for getting price data is in the get_price.py
file. Now I will explain each small part in this file.
Firstly, Vietstock uses CFSR token to prevent Cross-site request forgery attack. This token change every new session, so I create a function to capture this request token in current session.
def get_all_com_token(cookies, headers):
Get token session to make request to api
sess = requests.Session()
url = 'https://finance.vietstock.vn/doanh-nghiep-a-z?page=1'
r= sess.get(url,headers=headers, cookies=cookies)
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.content, 'html5lib')
token = soup.findAll('input', attrs={'name':'__RequestVerificationToken'})[0]['value']
return token
This function return token for the current session, so I can use this token append into my header request.
Since each page only returns maximum 50 companies, while there are over 1600 companies in the stock market. To get all the companies, I create a function and loop until there is no companies return. This function returns a list of all companies in the chosen exchange.
def get_all_com(exchange, cookies, headers):
Return all companies on choosen exchange.
url = 'https://finance.vietstock.vn/data/corporateaz'
token = get_all_com_token(cookies,headers)
page = 1
result = []
while True:
f = make_all_com_form(exchange, token, page)
r = requests.post(url, headers=headers,cookies=cookies,data=f)
if len(r.json()) != 0:
for com in r.json():
page +=1
return result
After get all companies, I create a function to get price from these companies. This function use asynchronous to improve receive datas speed.
async def get_price(exchange, com_list):
df_dict = {}
semaphore = asyncio.Semaphore(10)
async def single_file(com):
async with semaphore:
logger.info(f'{com, exchange} DONE!')
result = await get_price_history(com,start_date,today)
df_dict[com] = result
coros = [single_file(com) for com in com_list]
await asyncio.gather(*coros)
return df_dict
Finally, I run function above to get price.
if __name__ == '__main__':
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
This part is divided into 2 files, indicator.py
for calculate indicators and channel.py
for sending messages to users in the channel.
I use ta package, which has add_all_ta_features
method to calculate all common indicators. For processing data, I create process
function. This function will adjust open, high and low prices based on adjusted close prices.
def process(data, day):
data['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(data['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
data = data.replace('-',np.nan)
data = data.astype('float64')
data = data.tail(day)
data['Open'] = round(data['Open']*(data['Adj Close']/data['Close']),-2)
data['Low'] = round(data['Low']*(data['Adj Close']/data['Close']),-2)
data['High'] = round(data['High']*(data['Adj Close']/data['Close']),-2)
data['Close'] = round(data['Close']*(data['Adj Close']/data['Close']),-2)
return data
Then I create a function, which loops through all companies in the chosen exchange. This function will check if a company meets the requirement or not. For example:
if indi['momentum_rsi'][-1] >70:
Above code will check if the company overbought or not. Based on this logic, I can use as many indicators as I wish like this.
if indi['volatility_bbhi'][-1] == 1:
if indi['volatility_bbli'][-1] == 1:
if df['Close'][-2] <df['sma14'][-2] and df['Close'][-1] >df['sma14'][-1]:
if df['Close'][-2] >df['sma14'][-2] and df['Close'][-1] <df['sma14'][-1]:
Although ta package has the add_all_ta_features
method to calculate common indicators, it doesn't allow user change parameter. For example with SMA indicator, there are two default results is sma_slow and sma_fast, which calculate SMA12 and SMA26.
But I want to calculate SMA14 so I use SMAIndicator
method directly to calculate this indicator.
indi['sma14'] = SMAIndicator(df['Close'],14).sma_indicator()
Finally, I create com_to_text
function to bring the match company into the markdown type since when sending messages, I use markdown format. At first, I’m about to send all the results in one message, but it led to a problem. It’s too long and some last company will not be linked.
Therefore I divide the message into small parts and store it into a list.
texts = [f''' *Update {today}*
_HOSE_, Parabolic SAR
- Company {com_to_text(hose_indi['psar_up'],'HOSE',"par")} stop going down and reverse
- Company {com_to_text(hose_indi['psar_down'],'HOSE',"par")} stop going up and reverse
_HNX_, Parabolic SAR
- Company {com_to_text(hnx_indi['psar_up'],'HNX',"par")} stop going down and reverse
- Company {com_to_text(hnx_indi['psar_down'],'HNX',"par")} stop going up and reverse
_UPCOM_, Parabolic SAR
- Company {com_to_text(upcom_indi['psar_up'],'UPCOM',"par")} stop going down and reverse
- Company {com_to_text(upcom_indi['psar_down'],'UPCOM',"par")} stop going up and reverse
Then loop through that list to send individual message to channel.
for text in texts:
When users get an alert message in telegram, maybe they want to check if this company actually met this indicator or not. I use Dash and Plotly to create a web app that can visualize candlestick charts and indicators. Therefore, users can simply click on a company link in Telegram message, it will lead to my web app with this indicator. In this web app, I also create a blog page, which will provide technical analysis articles, like this.
In pages folder, there are 3 files blog.py
, chart.py
, home.py
and blogs
folder. Each file contain layout of each page in my web app. In blogs
folder, there is layout of technical analysis articles in blog pages. I will focus on chart.py
page, which used to visualize chart and indicator.
In here, I have a list containing all indicators I want to visualize.
indis = ['sma-14', 'sma-50', 'sma-200', 'par','rsi','bb','ema-14','ema-50','ema-200']
Then, I created layout for this page.
def layout(com='AAA', exchange='HOSE', indi=indis[0]):
return html.Div([])
Dash use callback to update figures, it will be very complicated if I go into detail how I use callback to update my chart. But basically, it will check the input has which indicator, for example, if user chooses a par indicator, it will calculate then append par data to figure data.
if indi == 'par':
indi_par = PSARIndicator(df['High'], df['Low'], df['Close'])
par = indi_par.psar().tail(100)
figdata.append(go.Scatter(x=df.tail(100).index, y=par,
mode='markers', marker=dict(size=2.5), name='Parabolic'))
With this logic, I also can put as many indicators into the chart as I wish.
Finally, I put all these pages into app.py
, this file is a container of all pages and helps make layout for this web app. I also modify default css in styles.css, it’s not relevant to this subject so I will not go into detail here. For hosting, I use heroku and modify in Procfile
web: gunicorn app:server
Now, this bot may be helpful for us to find a company, but if it can send messages only one time, it will be very useless. To solve this problem, I’ve used GIthub Action to automate, calculate and send messages everyday.
Github action using workflow to running action, each workflow contains many jobs. My workflow is in .github\workflows\update.yml
file. I will explain detail how it work here.
Fisrtly, I have this code to specify when my bot will run. It will run on 8:15 UTC(15:15 GMT +7 Hanoi) everyday except weekend.
- cron: "15 8 * * 1-5" #Run at 8:15 UTC every day except weekend
Then I choose Ubuntu for running environment
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
Then it will checkout my Github repo and set up python 3.9.7 environment
- name: Checkout repo content
uses: actions/checkout@v2 # checkout the repository content to github runner
- name: Setup python
uses: actions/setup-python@v2
python-version: '3.9.7' # install the python version needed
Then it install all requirements package.
- name: Install python packages
run: |
python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
Running get_prcie.py
file to get today data.
- name: Get today price
COOKIES: ${{secrets.COOKIES}}
run: python get_price.py
Then commit and push data back to my repository. I use action user to auto commit.
- name: Commit files
run: |
git config --local user.email "[email protected]"
git config --local user.name "GitHub Action"
git add -A
git commit -m "Auto update data" -a
- name: Push changes
uses: ad-m/[email protected]
github_token: ${{secrets.ACCESS_TOKEN_GITHUB}}
branch: main
Finally, I will run channel.py
file to calculate and send message with new data to Telegram channel.
- name: Send message to Telegram channel
TOKEN: ${{secrets.TOKEN}}
run: python channel.py